1,046 Days to CHANGE! BP today Launches the Countdown to May 2, 2012


suits-copy-new.jpgNassau Bahamas — Today we the of this website begin our countdown to May 2, 2012. We need CHANGE Bahamas, and Change is coming! Water is off last night. Not Since 1977 has Water and Sewerage had water off in our area, 1977! That was more than 32 years ago!

And the Ingraham government talks about they providing essential services. Where? Essential Services MY FOOT! We going backward NOT FORWARD in this country!

Water off, Rain come BEC shut-off. Dial a local number and BTC message tells you, “can you please check the number and dail again….” And drive on the streets of Nassau and see how the many traffic lights on the streets of the capital are not working. Turning the streets of this country into a MESS! We have 1046 DAYS to CHANGE. MUGABE might speed up our clock, but the countdown has begun!





  1. I know both the PLP and FNM did some good for this country and there were times both party did more damage than good. If they had always been honest in their dealings, I know this country could have been much further ahead.


    That may be so but if we go down the pros and the cons for both parties let start with the first PLP with LOP they did a whole lot of good followed by scandals and finally by defeat but L.O.P ithe Father of our Nation and he gave us both Perry and Hubert now lets look at the FNM circa 92-07 Hubert did a whole lot of progressive good for about 6 years of his first ten then he started the dismantling of the middle class removed the immovable properties act ,that gave foreigners the right to inherit land in the Bahamas …under the first FNM they ushered in an attitude of arrogance while building a house of cards with our financial sector and leaving our infrastructure in one of the worst states that it was in during that period ….A lot of people are under the false conclusion that when the FNM left office in 2002 that they left a Stella record this was not so they left a country deep in debt a botched road improvement program where the company got away with about thirty million dollars of our money a botched Batelco sale that cost the Government 120 million dollars a education scheme that was bankrupt and had scandal after scandal and a lot more corruption and waste than many people thought.

    Now the PLP circa 02-07 was or had same to be lazy and there was jazzed up corruption that was leveled at them with the Korean boat scandal and the BAIC Scandal and the fight in the cabinet office and other such rumors and innuendo but what did we get ,low unemployment record foreign investment,record economic growth and tourism growth and we where on the way for the first time to decouple our economy from that of America….Now I agree with you Kim it is now time for a change but I still will say one thing that the last three years compared to the last three of the PLP is like night and day .

    But I still agree with you we need change both parties are at the end of their time .

  2. To the winner go the spoils and the exact thing has been happening in the Bahamas since we existed but the present crew are even now takig dust.Plan ?what plan?Bahamians campaign with the sole intention of filling their coffers.Only Sir Clement Maynard had the courage to let us know how he intended to share his booty.All other politicians remained silent but were doing the same thing.Yes the countdown is on but in the present climate there will not be any booty and I dont know of anyone in their right mind who would want ot inherit the spoils.We are in bad shape and the Govt.has only given us half truths on our econmy.Coleby was right on in his assessment but who is listening?This Govt.does not understand economics and refuse to engage those that do.Loud talking will not scare anyone as an empty stomach and pockets causes one to get brave and be willing to take chances.The wuthless press has betrayed the Bahamian people.

  3. @rb75

    If these politicians were to be honest and confide in us that their real intentions for running for office are to benefit and make monies for themselves, who do you believe would vote them in? I know it wouldn’t be me for sure. Since they can’t tell us their real agenda, what other type of campaign do you expect them to run on? Other than one that is misleading and appealing. Lets still give them credit though, I know both the PLP and FNM did some good for this country and there were times both party did more damage than good. If they had always been honest in their dealings, I know this country could have been much further ahead.

  4. Kim Sands :@rb75
    You keep saying the FNM did not have a plan, but they had a plan. Their plan was to take control of this country and gain power. They would have promise us the stars and the moon, that do not belong to them in order to make that occur. After every general election you can always find a trail of broken promises. I have seen desperate politicians in action on both side of the fence, I have seen them carrying the bum off the street, the cripple old lady in wheel chairs, the blind man to vote and even using the names of the deceased persons in order to get into power. There is no limit to what these people are capable of in order to gain political power. We give the PLP a chance, we the FNM a chance, but it is always the “Same script, different cast.” I know we all love our great country we call the Bahamas and we believe in its potential and we would like to see a change for the best, but the truth is, change begins with each of us. Until we could learn to respect and love one another and be able to tell the difference between moral and immoral practices, only then will things ever get better for all of us as a country.

    Kim ,

    Yes you can say that their plan was to gain power at any and all cost that is why they ran a very jazzed up sexy campaign on lies and rumors and innuendo but could not tell people of their agenda in the end the way that they won was simple in politics there is a saying throw enough mud against the wall and some of it will stick ….it was just that the PLP was not ready and prepared for the last election and thus we have what we have today.

    So we have a government that have failed in running our nations affairs they have failed our country and we have been saddled with debt, high unemployment a failing infrastructure and a crime rate that is out of control and a failed educational system that is worse off now than when they took office…

  5. @rb75

    You keep saying the FNM did not have a plan, but they had a plan. Their plan was to take control of this country and gain power. They would have promise us the stars and the moon, that do not belong to them in order to make that occur. After every general election you can always find a trail of broken promises. I have seen desperate politicians in action on both side of the fence, I have seen them carrying the bum off the street, the cripple old lady in wheel chairs, the blind man to vote and even using the names of the deceased persons in order to get into power. There is no limit to what these people are capable of in order to gain political power. We give the PLP a chance, we the FNM a chance, but it is always the “Same script, different cast.” I know we all love our great country we call the Bahamas and we believe in its potential and we would like to see a change for the best, but the truth is, change begins with each of us. Until we could learn to respect and love one another and be able to tell the difference between moral and immoral practices, only then will things ever get better for all of us as a country.


    Tucker sounds like you on to something…….lol

  7. Joe,

    I agree with you it probably will not happen for the next election but I sense that the explosion of new bold ideas is about to happen and when it does there will be a new day dawn in our country.

    I will always be on the side of freedom and liberlisation I know that our country need liberlisation and we need it badly now I know that some will read this and ask what Im talking about ….it is clear as muddy water if we are to be truly free then we have to free ourselves from the past and go towards a better future

  8. Now rb75 you have demonstrated a much more rational approach to the possibilities for the next election. Each Party should be quietly defining what traits they want in a new leader and then selecting the person who best exemplifies those traits and has the moral fibre to carry on. It probably won’t happen in time for the next election and some of the old die-hards will fight it tooth and nail but if you all have the same purpose it will eventually come to pass.

  9. Kim Sands :Who will rule the country after 2012? No need to be concerned with that now, it will all be revealed in time. Next election you just go to the polls and vote for the party that you believe would make a difference. Would it really matter who wins the next election anyway? From I know myself there were always people complaining about the government no matter which party was in charge. People need to realize that you will never be able to please everybody and the people who are running the country will make some mistakes, because they are not perfect. The best we can do as a nation is to work together to find solutions to the problems that affect all of us and stop attacking each other for our own belief and political persuasion.


    No not everyone is perfect but when you win an election by lies and innuendo’s and by running a very sexy campaign on lies and rumors and it doesn’t take perfection but common sense and a plan ,Now I don’t want to come off like a scorch record but I will say again when HAI and his band of blind mice cam back to office it was clear from the get go that they had no plan for the last three years it is clear that the government had no plan and still does not have one.

    Who will be in charge in 2012 well we can leave that to providence and to faith …..we need change in our country and the reason why there same not to be a difference is because our country is not defined politically but the day is coming when our country will be liberalised and we can bring our nation to a new age of Bahamian liberalism …now I am not a psychic but I will state here again I can not see the Bahamian people given Hubert and His band of BLIND DO NOTHINGS FIVE MORE YEARS .

    Iam a PLP and I still will say that the Election if called will be the PL P’S to loose in my opinion the party has to renew itself with new leaders ..young leaders I can’t see anyone now that is in the main leadership positions can become Prime Minister so if we are to win in a General Election we have to involve our youth we must produce candidates that are more like the every day Bahamian and what I mean is that people who feel and touch the ground here in Nassau,it may same far fetched but I believe in my soul that this may well be the first election where a lawyer is not the Prime Minister ….I say this God knows who it is gonna be and the person will surprise the whole nation.

    I remember during the polish revolt in 1989 they made a trade unionist their first elected president ,so I say that to say this we will have change in our country but Bahamians need to accept that we need to be more liberal in the way we run our country and we need to upgrade our laws and the way we do business in our capital it is going to be hard for who will be the first Prime Minister of our generation but I say whom ever that person will be he/she will be up to the task but we all must remember that leaders are born to lead and when the moment arrives we will all know who our next Prime Minister will be.

  10. @Joe Blow

    ….lol…Every now and then, I do have one of those moments when I am able to put things in perspective. Please do not give up on me yet, because as you can see there is still hope.

  11. Who will rule the country after 2012? No need to be concerned with that now, it will all be revealed in time. Next election you just go to the polls and vote for the party that you believe would make a difference. Would it really matter who wins the next election anyway? From I know myself there were always people complaining about the government no matter which party was in charge. People need to realize that you will never be able to please everybody and the people who are running the country will make some mistakes, because they are not perfect. The best we can do as a nation is to work together to find solutions to the problems that affect all of us and stop attacking each other for our own belief and political persuasion.

  12. Joe come on now there you go again ……The PLP is not fighting for no win in the 2007 elections I do not know where you get that one from.

    The facts are the facts Joe….. Ingraham and his band of wutless blind followers will be their own undoing this administration have already dugged their graves the facts this time around will not hide themselves it all started with the now stop and review fiasco that was dangerous for our country and also with the mishandling of our nation finances as well as the poor stewardship of our government affairs.

    Ingrahm and his FNM’S where not ready and they did not have a plan they had inherited a booming economy from the PLP and they had inherited a current account that was in surplus they inherited a treasury that was bursting with all sorts of revenue and a happy future ahead of the country and now forward to the present we have seen a destruction not seen in our history and I can’t see that the Bahamian people will reward what is utter failure with a new fresh term in office.

  13. As long as the PLP continues on the path they are on, they have no chance of being the next government nor do they deserve to be. Time is wasting! But tell me, with 3 years still to go why do PLPs continue to react as though they are still fighting for a win in the 2007 election???

  14. If the bell rings before 2012 it will be a lost for the FNM …..This FNM administration was one of the worst in Bahamian history we have seen a downturn in our economy we have seen jobs losses left,right and centre we have a Prime Minister that lives in a bubble and the rest of his ministers are following him blinded by a tyrant.

    I can say this the next election will be the PL P’S to loose I can not see the country as a whole given the FNM another four years in office .

  15. Late but,still may I say Happy Father’s Day to all the Father’s out there,enjoy what is left of it.



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