Parliamentarian beats wife blue on heals of Sexual Offences debate


parliamentarian<<< As we said before, when the WUTLESS media in The Bahamas wishes to protect the people they work for, you Joe Public can’t hear a word about it, except you log onto BP. Here’s the parliamentarian who beats wife black and blue on the heals of Sexual Offences debate. And now he has the chance to once again explore his favourite pastime. BP will call the name and expose the character just like Andre Birbal. TRUST US, THIS ONE WILL CAUSE ANOTHER PARLIAMENTARIAN TO RESIGN. STAY TUNED!

Nassau, Bahamas
— A parliamentarian could find himself on the wrong side of the law and out of the House for battery and spousal abuse if charged before the court for abusing his wife into the wee hours of the morning. Breaking news coming into Bahamas Press confirms that the wife of the legislator was attacked in their marital home some weeks ago.

Now this is interesting because not a drop of this has been seen or reported anywhere in the WUTLESS media. Bahamas Press is awaiting the full police report to share all the details. However, we now know from residents in the area that the abuse was not the first time.

“For several nights now, he had been beating this woman. I mean beating her blue in the face. At first I thought they were having wild sex, but when I looked in the front yard some minutes later he had her by the throat shaking her like he wanted to kill her. That’s when the police arrived to the scene and opened an investigation,” an eyewitness told BP. “I really didn’t want to get involved, but this latest incident was too annoying.”

Bahamas Press will hold the name of the individuals until our ‘Deep Throat’ on the Royal Bahamas Police Force arrives back from vacation Monday.

Another person who lives in the community joined in and said, “He’s a disgrace! How could he be telling people in this country how to behave and about family life, when he choking his wife on the ground? Verbally and physically abusing the woman night after night. I CRY SHAME ON HIM!”

Members of the Lower House are getting ready to debate amendments to the Sexual Offences Act, which when debated, proposes to ban marital rape in The Bahamas. Minister of State for Social Development, Loretta Butler-Turner, introduced the landmark amendments in the Parliament on last week. And though this is not a case of rape nut spousal abuse, one can only speculate the ‘WIFE BEATING Legislator’ decided to kick his spouse out of the home before he becomes the first to be jailed for the rape of his wife.

Bahamas Press has learned following the ordeal the legislator also dumped his wife’s modeling clothes on the lawn. Up to press time its was not known whether the wife has returned home. But we now know, here’s another story ONLY BP readers can follow to the end. Stay Tuned!


  1. BP is something else. Didnot call any name but the true culprit came out. I heard not the beating part but sleeping with the young members and the wife complain and get her business fix. You can see from the press conference they were faking. Sorry for you Ms Bahamas run like hell. A word from the wise is sufficent.

  2. Rev McAlphine sure reads this blog as a hastily press conference took place at the Senate and instead of dealing with his issue he started talking about the former MP who removed the toilet from his ex.I did not like the Revs wife body language and am now trying to see what the first wife alleged in the divorce case between the two mmmppphhh.Am still trying to determine if Mrs McAlphine flew into Nassau on the day of the press conference or if she was already in Nassau.Anyway I shall wait with bated breath for BP to reveal more.

  3. @Tristan

    Tristan are you sure about that? He doesn’t look like no Prince Charming and I did not think that many women would have given him the time of day. I guess, when you have monies some of these women just don’t care they would do whatever they have to do in order to get their hands on some of it. I always thought he was just got lucky to land such a beautiful woman like the former Miss Bahamas. All the time, I was here thinking she is such a kindhearted soul who just wanted someone that would truly love her and it did not matter what he looked like. I had admired her for taking such a bold step. Now to hear he is cheating on her it is indeed heart wrenching. That’s probably what they were fighting was about. These men is want mix up with these former queens and don’t know how to treat them, once they get them. It is like they just want a trophy wife to show off in public, but behind the scene they don’t really love them. Look how that Prince came all the way from Africa to marry another one of our former Miss Bahamas. They had such a fairytale wedding and before the ink could dry properly on the marriage certificate the marriage was over. These men need to realize that our queens are more than just figure and beauty; they are people with feeling and if you are not going to be serious with them, just leave them the hell alone!! So they can find someone that would truly love and cherish them.

  4. Kim I liked the poem you put on about Stand By your man but unfortunately, The Senatator is not a Man. He is a four legged beast!! He bin doin fool in Freeport for years. Nothin has changed with that mammal.From the 80s datin high school girls while married and now dating the women in his church today!!

  5. I couldn’t resist. Will the real story be MacAlpine beat his wife and Perry is the blame. Just kidding media. Its late and I’m bored. LOl. I’ll wait for this one on Sunday too. Great points.

  6. @media
    Media, I want to know what’s the latest on Andre Birbal. I haven’t heard anything more about his extradition. Since May he was caught in New York. Am I missing something?

  7. @media

    I just have to add that I don’t know what purpose The Tribune and ZNS serve any longer. The sad part is that the Tribune is a private company and can do what it wants. ZNS is run with taxpayer money. And it’s a damn disgrace.

  8. @Russell Johnson
    Boi Altec, Mashup and Russell yall see how the WUTLESS MEDIA comes out to SHIELD the ones they love? We called no NAME! We mentioned NO Policeman! We said not a word whether the Parliamentarian was in the Upper or Lower House. So how did them people in the WUTLESS PRESS knew we meant Fredrick McAlpine? Why did they wait to the Senate door for Him? And how did his wife stand ready in the Senate Building in Nassau if she suppose to be in the Marital Home in Grand Bahama? Who said it was them? And how could they speak to something which we never ever claimed pointed to them? But since McAlpine has come out to defend the charges, we will reveal the details what we know this SUNDAY at 3PM.


    Now many of you would remember what happened in Eight Mile Rock High School when we first broke that story. We told readers that a teacher and his clandestine group of pedophile lovers raped scores of school boys up there.

    Lionel Sands, the Acting Director of Education, went to the WUTLESS media and said, “We have investigated the matter and there is NO CASE!” You’ll remember that? Even the DUTTY TOILET PAPER came out saying and repeating, “THERE IS NO CASE AT EMRH”. Clint Watson of all people came out saying , NO LIL BOYS WERE RAPED! They said nothing happened up there. Everyone made their LIES to brainwash the public, whilst Andre Birbal snuck out the country with his FULL PENSION CHEQUE from the Ministry of Education. And they all said this when they knew the victims couldn’t get resolve from the POLICE nor MOE! Complaints were filed in that matter over, and over and OVER and nothing was DONE!

    People think we fool ECH? We told them our story direct from one of the victims on Grand Bahama. We traced the story right into New York where Birbal fled. And guess what? Bahamas Press believes because of the slow actions of the Bahamas Government, Birbal is lost somewhere again!

    Now people, you’ll know Bahamas Press don’t talk fool. You’ll know we does step correct. Yinner know we finish what we started. And so since the good reverend can come forward and say, “It is a lie” We at BP will finish what we started! This Sunday at 3PM.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  9. @Russell Johnson

    No Russell this is not an original, I stole these words from Tammy Wynette. I like the way she encourages other women to stand by their man, but what is so interesting about this song is the fact Tammy recorded it after she divorced her husband George Jones. Tammy is a woman who had to put up with spousal abuse and that is why I find the words so meaningful, because I really believe she sang the words from her heart. It is good to encourage other women to stand by their man, but we should never encourage them to stay in an abusive relationship, after all Tammy did not stay. Russell if you never heard this song before, you should really look up the video on you tube, trust me you will enjoy it. Every time, I see Tammy performs this song, it really bring tears to my eyes.

  10. Boy, this story got into the mainstream pretty quick.

    ZNS, Tribune, Guardian, Cable 12 was all downtown yesterday.

    Media it seems like they all reading this site and does come here for stories. But it only reinforces your point that the media is lazy. All of the news organization mentions has more resources than BP. It just goes to show how lazy and little tenacity they have.

  11. @ russell johnson

    I have a lot of work to do today, so i’ll keep this short. The Tribune article did not say that a police report had been filed. It said that they had received notification of a domestic incident and it was unclear what the nature of that domestic incident was.

    anyway. work to do. take care.

  12. @Kim Sands
    I love the words is it an original?I read the newspaper and saw the Revs denial but what struck me as strange was his claim that there are no marks on her body(that we can see).The Tribune reporter was also skilful by saying that the Police do have a report.Since both parties very clumsily in my view gave statements to the press they must understand that verbal abuse also exists.And BP you called no name but like I mentioned the silohoutte cause the Rev to realise his secret was out.I am still laughing bcos the Tribune headline reads a leading politician lo lol .For all of you new readers to this site welcome and enjoy.You will many times disagree with the contents but we carry on worse than thoses clowns in HOA.Morning HAI,my favorite target I dont know what I would do without you so thanks for coming back.With those niceties out of the way lets roll.

  13. This is a tribute to Mrs. MCAlphine and this only applies if the beaten did not took place. Just a little encouragement or you:


    Sometimes its hard to be a woman
    Giving all your love to just one man
    You’ll have bad times
    And he’ll have good times
    Doing things that you don’t understand
    But if you love him you’ll forgive him
    Even though he’s hard to understand
    And if you love him
    Oh be proud of him
    ‘Cause after all he’s just a man
    Stand by your man
    Give him two arms to cling to
    And something warm to come to
    When nights are cold and lonely
    Stand by your man
    And tell the world you love him
    Keep giving all the love you can
    Stand by your man
    Stand by your man
    And show the world you love him
    Keep giving all the love you can
    Stand by your man

  14. Frederick McAlpine and his wife were on the news saying this is just a vicious rumor. Seen that she is saying everything is ok and the abuse did not occurred, we just have to accept that. She was on TV looking just as beautiful as ever, there were no hand marks around her neck and her face did not show any bruises, unless it already healed or she went to a real good makeup artist. All I know if it did happened and she is covering up for him, she would be like the boy who kept crying wolves and every time people came out to help him there was no wolf insight and the people got tired of his silly games, so they stop going. Then one day a wolf actually came for true. They heard the boy screams but nobody even looked. If Frederick McAlpine is in fact abusing his wife and she covering up for him, one day he might actually try to kill her and people would hear her screams and nobody would even look. If what she is saying is the whole truth and nothing but the truth then leave them alone and let them live in peace and harmony.

  15. Im going to his church on Sunday. I’m going to listen to the following sermons: Torn between two lovers, If it dont fit dont force it, What if Mary had an Abortion. But I understand the Former Miss Bahamas has return to Nassau. Ill see on Sunday!!

  16. My goodness the Rev, not that I have any respect for him anyways. I have heard too many foul stories about him, especially playing with boys. We have too many pastors and preachers that are not practicing what they are shouting from the pulpit. This is a disgrace. Lady, you don’t have to take it. If he hit you once, he will do it again. Leave him! You are too beautiful, and you can do a whole lot better.

  17. @Johnny Tucker

    Johnny Tucker :
    But this fella just got married man… gee. That’s really the reason he and his first wife couldn’t get along he was a woman beater!! Not only that, if you talk to folks who really know this guy nothwithstanding his appearances making jokes at political rallys about PLP’S being sissys. He is a known faggot and the only thing he has chaged was his clothes. He probably infected his second wife with DO-DOO too. My God Rev…

    BOL, JT you gatta stop.

  18. But this fella just got married man… gee. That’s really the reason he and his first wife couldn’t get along he was a woman beater!! Not only that, if you talk to folks who really know this guy nothwithstanding his appearances making jokes at political rallys about PLP’S being sissys. He is a known faggot and the only thing he has chaged was his clothes. He probably infected his second wife with DO-DOO too. My God Rev…

  19. I am looking at the silhouette and after reading a story on another blog I think I know who it is.No woman needs to tolerate abuse whether psychical or mental.I remember my mpther in law introducing me to all of her sons seperately and telling me in their presence that if I was to marry her daughter and got fool then I had to face the brothers.Fortunately I never had to face them bcos I had been put in my place.Any man who forces a woman to have sex is a pervert bcos the woman will not respond.Who will enjoy that?MP or not a man should not beat a woman.If in trouble run in another room and give them time to cool off.In the Bahamas when men court women they are inseperable but upon attaining the marriage goal the woman becomes a furniture.A man and woman should always be together because after all when they speak in their homes the man or woman will let the other one know what is going on.I say no is no and any spouse found guilty desreves public scrutiny so that other females would know that he likes to beat women.

  20. Boy! Some women are very unhappy in their own homes. Maybe Loretta them gone run her up on brakes with that new law and her husband is not used to her holding out on him. Loretta them had good intention and I appreciate them for trying to protect us women. Not that I really needed it, because I don’t think no man is stupid enough to force me to have sex against my will. In any event, I still happy that they saw the need to introduce this new law where wives could tell their husbands no to sex and if they force them to have sex against their will it would be regarded as rape. The thing is Loretta them don’t live with most of these women. Loretta will be going home to her house and I could see where this law could cause some problems. Some of these men are so stupid when it come to things like that, you tell them no, you might not even make it to the police station. These women must be needs to start putting panic buttons in some of these bedrooms that would send a signal straight to police station and you know sometimes those police don’t have any cars. All I could say to my fellow sisters, before you go marrying these men watch them closely. Know what you are getting into. Don’t mind them with these prestigious jobs and dressing up in they fancy suits, because some of them are the worst kind to mix up with. If they don’t know how to talk and treat you from day one just keep going. Don’t rush into no commitment until you feel satisfy that this is the man you are willing to spent the rest of your life with. I know some of them do change on you, but you have to show them that you respect yourself and you are not willing to put up with any kind of foolishness. Let them know upfront you aint no punching bag and you sure aint no conch, so don’t get you mixed up. Don’t never stand up and fight with him, because you will lose. Practice throwing things and if that is not working you must make them believe you are not upset any more, just to get out the house and bring your brothers back to deal with him. Anyway, I can’t wait for BP to expose this monster that beat his wife blue in the face; he is such a big disgrace being an MP and all.

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