PM Ingraham back in Inagua still in his weekend shirt



Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham (right) greets 89 year-old Inagua resident Alfred Bain, whose home lost its roof during Hurricane Ike. Now Prime Minister must only have one set of funny looking shirts to wear on weekends. The last time we saw him in Abaco he had this same shirt on in Inagua. When he flew to Inagua the first time he had a similar shirt on then (Photo below). Things MUST BE BAD! SO BAD that Hubert ‘the toothless lion’ Ingraham has one set of shirts he wears every weekend the bottom photo proves that. We wonder if that is the OBEAH SHIRT? We hope he is not going to New York with that same shirt, look out Wall Street! HUBERT COMING!


Here is the Prime Minister sitting with one minister who defrauded the government and another who draft land with no approvals.


  1. Yes she has, DIY. The only other life she needs to make a positive impact on is her husband’s. Then an additional jewel would be in her crown.

  2. Hey GCF. I believe everything that you are saying. My comments are just what I see. Nothing bad about it. From what I have heard about her she has made a positive mark and impression on many lives.

  3. Agreed GCF…we still footing Lady P bills. The two ladies are completely different. The best thing about Hubert Ingraham is Delores Ingraham.

    She is just HERSELF.

  4. Gofer, Lady Delores Ingraham, is being herself, stop trying to make her Lady Marguerite Pindling, Don’t forget Lady Marguerite Pindling, came with a high price and we are still fitting some of her bills.

    What most people fail to realize is that 50% of PM Hubert Ingraham success is because of the lives of students and their family Lady Delores Ingraham has touch in her school legacy. If you get to know Delores Ingraham you can’t help but like this good lady. She has a beautiful smile, but in her profession in some cases showing too much expression to children can sent the wrong message. Lady Delores Ingraham continue to be who you are.

  5. what’s going on? …. I agree.. I don’t think she likes the attention.. Lady Pindling fit into her role as first lady like a glove, like she was born for it. Lady Ingraham seems like she wants to stay at home and not be bothered. I don’t think she cares for the lime light.

  6. Gofer I concord with you Lady Ingraham always looks so withdrawn and it is her duty as a wife to make sure her man is dressed whenever he goes out in public. If he looks bad, she looks bad too. Lady Marguerite Pindling and Lady Delores Ingraham are so different in comparison, while Lady Pindling looks like she was born to be in the lime light, Lady Ingraham looks likes she prefers to be out of the public eyes. Whenever Lady Pindling was with her late husband she always seems so affectionate towards him. Whenever Delores appears in public with the Prime Minister she always appears as if she is just going through the motion.

  7. What’s Going On…. Man if she looks good and he look bad then the 2 a dem look bad. So she need to help him out so she don’t look bad as well. Plus I have never seen her smile when she is with him. At the swearing in she looked like she was at a funeral..

  8. lol….General crazy need to contact people like Sir Ali Butler and them to learn how to speak English AND have a permanent British accent. .

  9. lolllllllll…….Generalcrazy you slay me, man. Stop it for BP put you off for true…….

  10. lol….you guys are something else. I quite enjoy the Bahamas Press family even though a few of us are a little off….lol

  11. WOW! generalcrazy head really isn’t too good and I don’t wish to be a member of his arm, we better keep searching for humour in things then (lol).

  12. Kim, thanks for the kind words. I look forward to reading y’all comments as well. We have a nice little on-line family going here. If we don’t try to inject a little comedy into some of the madness going on in our country at this time, we would all be new recruits in Generalcrazy’s medication army. lol

  13. Drama every time I log on to Bahamas Press I always check to see if there were any remarks form you, WOW!, GCF, HemiBahama, Media, Insane Jane, Fpo.lady and Gofer. I like to hear from you guys, sometimes your remarks makes me laugh; while your remarks may be funny it also makes a lot of sense as well. This with this blog needs people with the right perspective on all these issues that are affecting the country at whole. Not people with bias point of view like somebody paying them to be their spokes person.

    I like generalcrazy too, but sometimes he is just too crazy for me. When he takes his medication he does be making plenty sense. I don’t know why he doesn’t take a lesson from Insane Jane and take his medication (lol).

  14. lollllll……you people slay me, man!! So you all miss me?? lollll….I gatta tell my wife this joke.

    I just got my pool installed so I spending a lil time working on my back stroke and teaching my younger son to swim.

    Glad to know you guys looking out for me online though. I will try to make my appearance regular……..

  15. aintlongnah Drama King does make me laugh too and I like to hear his view on these matters. He believes when he stay away for a day or 2 nobody notice, because Drama always have away of making sense of things, you would miss him. He is one of those persons who make this blog lively.

  16. i agree…Carl Bethel is a strange looking man for real though. Black and ugly is one thing but ….

  17. yalll does really make me die with the laughing esp. drama king. he jokey boy.very interesting political tactic. it sure would be good to hear what the inagua people was thinking when they spotted ingraham and carl and who ever else was with them down there.

  18. aintlongnah everybody have their own opinion. I believe these shirts were hand picked for this occasion. Trust me, I have seen him many times on the weekend and he has much better looking clothes than this. I have spoken with him many times in Public and I have always thought of him as a sharp dresser with a charming personality, I believe someone advised them to dress this way, so they could look humble and caring. Don’t be fooled by these images, I really think it is a political tactic.

  19. lol….aintlongnah I am a man so I dont be studying no man’s features and getting all dreamy about their “cuteness” or lack thereof. …….. I didnt say Boogaloo wasnt cute, I just said I dont know about him being cute….I dont study him that way. I know he is a supposedly nice man.

    Carl Bethel is a strange looking man for real though.

  20. Aintlongnah trust me I know fashion, I don’t have a problem with the style of Carl Bethel’s shirt, it just that I don’t feel it complements him in anyway. It does nothing to enhance his appearance, I think the color is not right for him and it makes him looks poor. Maybe that was the plan, I don’t know or Maybe he looks this way to me because he sitting next to Prime Minister. Anyway, just think it was bad choices all around.

  21. oops i forget to say i disagree totalley with Kim Sands and her criticising carl bethel shirt. his shirt is alright and very easy on your eyes and honestly though i find his looks more of a distration for me. His features are peculiar but i guess drama king would say Carl aint cute but he is “nice” too aye?

  22. this stuff is hilarious esp. drama king i am on the floor laughin-LMBAO. so i guess i mistook boogaloo for someone else since drama king all but say he aint cute but the friend i always see him with was really cute and could kind of put hiself together okay. ingraham could take lessons from him for sure.perhaps it was a PR thing since he was going to an outisland like inagua and wanted to fit in with the people there.

    Drama King is the best esp. the part where he said “Think the famous HAI tief it off someone clothes line?” is this the dundas centre for the performing arts or what?

    Hemibahama need a life.

  23. Gofer you never saw the saw the Prime minister’s wife out in public aye? She always dresses sophisticated. The man obliviously doesn’t care. Someone should approach him about some grooming classes.

  24. I dont know bout Boogaloo being handsome and cute but I can say he is a very nice man, very pleasant and obviously a sincere friend if he was clothing and feeding Ingraham and his family.

    That shirt does scarily does look like an Atlantis uniform. Think the famous HAI tief it off someone clothes line?

    To answer the question directly thrown out to me and a few others, I am a Georgio Armani man. I KNOW how to dress and how to put myself together. Plus I have a wife who is very “particular” so she wont have me round the place looking like a roughian.

  25. Man listen here. Priminister always making me shame. He needs help. My wife won’t let me out the house dressed like how he does. I know how to step and trust me priminister needs help.

  26. Change the topic. That shirt just look like a Atlantis uniform. Please find something to talk about.

  27. Carl Bethel appears to be in on the plan too, his shirt could be questioned as well. I know Carl have better clothes than that. These people have their acts together.

  28. I believe the prime minister decided to wear this shirt as a PR stunt; he wanted the people on the Great Inagua to see him as a humble man with feelings. You guys think this is a fashion mistake; you do not know the strategy behind it. You would be surprise to know how long he took to pick it out. I know he got a lot of hugs from the people in Abaco and Inagua for wearing these types of poor looking shirts. Also, that shirt would stay in those people memories forever; they will always remember he was there after hurricane Ike. Good political move!!!!


  30. The people of Great Inagua were happy to see the PM as always and didn’t give a shxxt shat about his fashion or lack thereof! I know my peps well.Quite frankly, fashion is the last thing on the minds of Great Inaguans at the moment.

    honestly though, the shirt is fashionably interesting but i suppose he is dressing age specific-i dunno.

  31. Ingraham wearing the OBEAH shirt is not news, nor is one of his Cabinet Ministers defrauding the Government news. Him cutting off the lights of 6,000 residents is NOT news nor him saying one thing and doing the other.

    We then ask, if all these truths are not news about Hubert Ingraham and his WUTLESS government nor are they interesting topics to be discussed, then WHAT IS?

    One thing we at Bahamas Press know is that his CRIPPLE BROTHER CHRISTIE is definitely NOT NEWS!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  32. I agree with you Monique. Why should the PM wear a suit when he is not working, when he is on island visits to converse with residents about their needs for their community? The PM has a whole lot of clothes he doesn’t need to explain why he is wearing what he is wearing. Come on man there should be something important to talk about. Like the crime count. How we will build up our community, and even better how we can help our brothers and sisters who are in desperate need. Lets show our brotherly love. This is a christian nation isn’t it? Geeeeeeeee

  33. The Prime Minister shirt should not be the main concern here; he is trying to provide those residents with some relief. They are just pleased to have the Prime Minister and his team graced them with their presence. This is a good chance for the resident to discuss improvements for the island and plans to restore the island back to some normalcy.

  34. Yeah I forgot Boogaloo did buy him those FIVE SUITS when he had nothing.

    How could we forget that? That lets Brent off the hook.

    I think the above photo bares the new look of Haitian Voo Doo.



  36. BP you hard on your Prime Minister. I agree he needs some help in the clothes department since you brought it up. Drama… ya tink Brent gonna gee him some clothes for the NY Trip? I don’t think so. Dey aint boys like dat man. LOL

  37. No his white master Brent Symonette will see to it that he wears a different shirt.

    See everyone on to him and the Obeah hat so now he has to switch up to an Obeah shirt…lol…..BP you slay me….lol…

  38. Im glad you guys have interesting stuff to talk about. I mean, clearly, his shirt is an indicator that he practices obeah. yes lets make fun of him for waring clothes more than once.

    let me know when the break time bell rings, so i can get out of primary school again.

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