PM Re-Opens Fire Station at Eight Mile Rock


Christie Government moves into Grand Bahama…

FIRE STATION RE-OPENING – Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie is pictured here with National Security Minister the Hon. Dr. Bernard Nottage and Commissioner of Police Mr. Ellison Greenslade at the re-opening of the Fire Station at Eight Mile Rock, Grand Bahama on Tuesday morning.  (BIS Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)
FIRE STATION RE-OPENING – Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie is pictured here with National Security Minister the Hon. Dr. Bernard Nottage and Commissioner of Police Mr. Ellison Greenslade at the re-opening of the Fire Station at Eight Mile Rock, Grand Bahama on Tuesday morning. (BIS Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)

EIGHT MILE ROCK, Grand Bahama – Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie, accompanied by National Security Minister the Hon. Dr. Bernard Nottage, officially re-opened the Eight Mile Rock Fire Sub-Station on Tuesday morning, July 28.

The opening took place just prior to the historic Cabinet Meeting in Grand Bahama Tuesday.

Addressing the gathering attending the opening Mr. Christie said “Grand Bahama, and the people of this area who would have their life’s earnings challenged by fire — being able to have effective fire equipment more readily available to address emergencies is a significant step forward for this community.”

He then congratulated the Minister of National Security, the Commissioner of Police and other officers for their efforts in making the project a reality.

Mr. Christie also took note of the need to construct a proper facility to house the new and costly fire truck and other upgrades as it relates to fire equipment for the area.

Also, the Prime Minister said they had great promise for West Grand Bahama with the Ginn development.

“We have begun the process of extending benefits that some people in Freeport, or some people in Grand Bahama enjoyed to the rest of Grand Bahama. But we have done something extra. We have actually in the last Budget Communication, made it possible for the people outside of Freeport to have access to being able to build and purchase materials for building/improving their homes, their businesses — duty free.

“So you have that and we want you to take advantage of that and I hope that the Minister for Grand Bahama would do his very best to ensure that we communicate that to the people of this part of Grand Bahama and East Grand Bahama as well,” Mr. Christie said.

With respect to the young people of West Grand Bahama, the Prime Minister said there is a proposal to build shortly “a state-of-the-art education facility, a brand new school and state-of-the-art sporting facilities associated with it, so that we are able to continue to take advantage of the sporting prowess that we find here in Grand Bahama.” The Prime Minister saw the creation of the modern complex as a major step in the strong approach to provision of facilities in that part of Grand Bahama.

With respect to the newly re-opened fire station the Minister of National Security Dr. Bernard Nottage said its re-opening is a clear indication of their support for the people of West Grand Bahama and it is also in keeping the Government’s mandate to put our people first.

He recalled during their previous administration when one of the first things they did was open a Fire Station in Eight Mile Rock.

According to Dr. Nottage the Station served the community well until it was damaged by the hurricanes of 2004 and 2005, which caused it to be abandoned and the officers and fire truck returned to Freeport city.

“Recognizing the importance of maintaining a presence in this highly populated settlement of Eight Mile Rock, coupled with repeated requests from your Minister and community leaders here in the west, we took a firm position to make this re-opening a reality,” Minister Nottage said

He also pointed out that what is most significant is the fact that they are also commissioning a brand new 1,000 gallon capacity Rosenbauer Fire Truck valued at about $260,000.00.

Dr. Nottage touched on the further strengthening of Fire Services in West Grand Bahama, with the positioning of a fire truck in West End, Grand Bahama.


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