Today we celebrate the life of Mrs Hannah Elizabeth Francis-Clarke “Sizzy” ….

Mrs Hannah Elizabeth Francis-Clarke 1908 – 1989 – Principal of Clarke’s School.

NASSAU| Some 113 years ago Mrs Hannah Elizabeth Francis-Clarke was born in the community of Bullock Harbour, The Berry Islands. She was the third child of Nehemiah and Arabella Francis.

A devout Anglican, “Sizzy”, as she was affectionately called, was a Sunday School teacher for more than 40 years. She served as the Parish Representative for the Fort Fincastle District and a member of The Guild of Our Lady from 1949. She was a founding member of the Anglican Church Women’s Organization, serving since 14th April, 1964.

Many would remember through her Preschool Clarke’s School which began in the 1950s.

She was married to the late Charles Clarke of Savannah Sound Eleuthera. The couple produced two sons, John and Wellington Clarke.

The pair (John and Wellington) were musicians who travelled in the John Clarke Trio, a fixture at the Club Land’Or Resort on Paradise Island.

On this day some 32 years ago (December 6th, 1989) this woman, who was selfless in love with her GOD and Country, a trailblazer of her time and a woman with a pioneering spirit who was willing to share her gifts of God’s Goodness with hundreds of young people, went on to her eternal reward.

Today we celebrate her contribution and may the GOD of ALL MERCIES Grant her life everlasting. AMEN!