PLP responds to the resignation of Senate President

This is how problems does start right here. Senate President K. Forbes Smith.

In response to the resignation of the Senate President.
STATEMENT -1st December 201

After much public pressure and criticism from the Progressive Liberal Party, the resignation of Senate President Kay Forbes-Smith from that post is welcomed news to the PLP. It was late in coming, but better late than never.

It is quite clear that the Prime Minister is sneaking Mrs. Forbes-Smith out the back door without acknowledging any wrongdoing with her conflicting dual appointments and the offence caused to Westmister Conventions.

Firstly, the Prime Minister must now say who the new Senate President will be.

Secondly, the PLP did not support Forbes-Smith’s appointment as a Hurricane Disaster Coordinator in part because she is a politically divisive figure and the myriad of complaints about the handling of the relief efforts in Grand Bahama only confirmed those suspicions and reservations. That post should be held by a non partisan individual or a senior public servant.

Thirdly, with a Ministry, an Authority, a Hurricane Disaster Fund Manager and multiple Disaster Coordinators all dedicated to disaster relief and management, the Prime Minister must explain the role of NEMA in all of this.

There still appears to be too many duplications of efforts and redundancies in this highly bureaucratic and confusing system the Prime Minister has constructed post Dorian.

There must be clarity on the separation of duties, reporting relationships, decision making processes and the public must have confidence and trust in the ability of the relevant personalities to execute their duties and high office dispassionately.
