The political victimizer​s of my life…


The FNM wrote the book on Victimization in the Bahamas….

Dennis Dames on Bahamas Press

By Dennis Dames:

We are indeed living in some seriously interesting times in The Bahamas, where chief political victimizers like Hubert Alexander Ingraham and his band of political yes men and women – now find themselves in the victims’ seat.

I am one of those Bahamians who have politically and socially been unmercifully victimized all of my adult life; starting from the days of the C.C. Sweeting students’ revolt of 1983. I was scorned under the Pindling years to the point of being turned down for every opportunity in which I attempted to take advantage of in the public domain. Thanks to good Bahamian people who rescued me along the way.

I was severely victimized and blacklisted under the Hubert Ingraham Free National Movement (FNM) – because of my unrelenting support of Floyd Watkins – the party’s Delaporte standard bearer (whom Ingraham hated for personal reasons) from 1989-2002.

Then, I am clearly too outspoken for a Hubert Ingraham; so he hates me double.

His friends do not like Dennis Dames. In fact, some of Ingraham’s pals abhor me so much, that they have boldly told many folks that yours truly will never be anything of value in the country of his birth.

It’s the FNM’s victimization that hurts the most to me, because it’s the party that I have dutifully supported all of my voting life and a number of years before it.

I have been employed with the Urban Renewal Program since October 2008 after months of agonizing efforts to join the team; thanks to Tommy and Dion for having mercy on me.

My experience on the job with the FNM version of Urban Renewal was an unpleasant one, because of the wickedness and evil acts against me by my colleagues; most of whom are close friends and cohorts of King Hubert. I know that the good reports in my personnel files are totally different from what was secretly written and spoken about me to those in high places.

God is not asleep!

The government has changed in May, and many of the plotters are now on the streets; and yes – this Bahamian is still standing – despite all the evil that was worked on me to date; especially by FNMs.

So, if they denied Hubert the opportunity to say goodbye in the House of Assembly – I say that’s good for his hip! Take that! How does it feel – sir?


A picture of FNM carrying on bad in Rawson Square yesterday – At least Christie didn’t call the dogs…

Bahamians waited to see the back of Ingraham - Here it is!
From having press conferences in the Churchill Building to having press events on the side of the street. Ingraham is defeated and thrown on the streets.
From the Churchill Building to the side of the road! Ingraham is a commoner.
Janet Bostwick told to get off Bay Street by observers as the FNMs carried on bad in Rawson Square.