A second expat worker at BTC had no work permit and dropped down dead on the job last week…Christie Government allows foreigners at BTC work without work permits!


Why is the New GONE RUST Christie Government allowing BTC to hire foreigners and fire Bahamians?  Didn’t yinner say y’all BELIEVE IN BAHAMIANS?!


Scores of undocumented workers at BTC carrying out labour Bahamians can do. Foreigners working overtime to keep your phone down or off!

BTC CEO Geoff Houston must explain to Rodriguez family why he was so overworked and lacked medical attention. Cannot explain why his work permit was expired.

Nassau, Bahamas — Some have called for an inquiry into the sale of BTC to Cable and Wireless. Some have made it clear that by no stretch of the imagination should BTC be returned back to the Bahamian people. The axing of scores of workers have raised the temperature at the corporation and today a growing battle is beginning to shake between the new owner at BTC and the reading public.

Bahamas Press, amidst the fight, has scaled the walls at the Telecommunications giant and what we have uncovered is indeed shocking.

Firstly, a second expatriate at BTC has collapsed on the job; dropped dead of a massive heart attack.

Last week, unannounced and buried in the press, just when we were combing files at the Corporation, we witnessed the shocking event.

BP can confirm the foreign trained/born technician is the late Renee Rodriguez.

We can confirm Rodriguez’s family are headed to New Providence Monday morning to collect his remains.

Following this hush-hush event, we decided to check his files and boy! guess what we uncovered! Rodriguez had a much-needed doctor’s visit that was put off repeatedly due to his employment demands.

BP can confirm from files shown to us, the victim had just one of several work permits which have expired under the watch of the New Christie Administration, and yet, he, like several others, were still working without proper documentation.

And as we saw Rodriguez file, there were others like:

Nigel Thompson – another expat working at BTC as VP of Carrier Services – without any valid work permit!

Sheldon Mundel – Chief Information Officer (CIO) – another expat working at BTC without any work permit!

And the list continues.

Says his government will look at BTC again, but while they 'Talk', Bahamians are being fired and scores of foreign workers are on the job at BTC without work permits. The do nothing Christie Administration is all talk-NO ACTION!

Sources at the telephone company also told BP that as early as today (Monday), trainers for BTC under the disguise of “Engineers” will arrive in the country.  We are advised all of the so-called “ENGINEERS” have no work permits but will enter the country as “holiday/vacationers”!


What makes us doubly disgusted is that the is aware of the behaviour of BTC/Lime and has done absolutely nothing to exercise is new GONE RUST government“BELIEVE IN BAHAMIAN” theme!

They have done little to the company with its multiple labour infractions and that continues to treat Bahamians as second class citizens in their own country.

We ga put is bluntly: “Who in the New GONE RUST Christie Government is fanning this illegal culture up at BTC? And why?

Stay tuned there is more to come.


  1. It seems Rodriguez is as much to blame as BP for his ignoring his health care appointments, while BP ignored his working permit papers as a tourist vacationer. Everyone, expats included everywhere should take of their health first. Alternatively, the loophole created by categorizing him differently is not the fault of BP, but the Bahamian administration and their probable need for skilled workers.

  2. It seems Rodriguez is as much to blame as BP for his ignoring his health care appointments, while BP ignored his working permit papers as a tourist vacationer. Everyone, expats included everywhere should take of their health first. Alternatively, the loophole created by categorizing him differently is not the fault of BP, but the Bahamian administration and their probable need for skilled workers.

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