Anthony Musgrove – Vice Chairman of the FNM back in the Senate


musgrovedsc_0630-1<<< Anthony Musgrove sworn in as a member of the upper House last week. (BIS Photos/Peter Ramsay)

Nassau, Bahamas — First he was in, then he was out and now he is back in AGAIN! Boy, this sound like Christie and Ingraham all over again. But no, we’re talking about the newest member of the Senate Anthony Musgrove.

Musgrove was appointed to the Senate in 2008 and so Christie decided to challenge his appointment, calling it an unconstitutional one. The courts ruled in the favour of Christie and well, Hubert’s BOOBOO had to be corrected.

Kay Smith decided she had enough of Hubert’s mess in Grand Bahama, and so she accepted an appointment as Consul General in Atlanta. The move left a senate seat vacant and therefore made the way for Musgrove again.

Bahamas Press wants our readers to pay close attention to Musgrove because we believe he is one who can make a future in politics. What we like about him most is the fact that he comes from the YOUTH ARM OF THE FNM! He’s the kind of appointee that has caused the party to continue to attract thousands of young people. THE PLP WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING! Not since the early days of the Progressive Liberal Party has the PLP appointed a member of its YOUNG LIBERALS BRANCH TO THE PARLIAMENT! In fact if Christie is honest, as far as we remember, Christie, Ingraham and Nottage were the last bunch to be pushed by a PLP leader into the Parliament.

Ahhhh! As Ingraham would say, “They are NOT ONE OF US!”… Just a thought for those Young Liberals to think about! Christie was so desperate to see Anthony out, he went to the courts. We wonder, WHAT IS THIS GREAT FEAR CHRISTIE HAS WITH YOUNG PEOPLE? He must explain!

We wish Anthony well! And we are happy to know that a young person from the FNM’s youth arm today has a voice in Parliament. The PLP would never do such a thing!



  1. Russell Johnson :With the appointment of Musgrove does this mean that HAI has conceded that he was wrong in appointing him the first time?Since the Attorney General aPPEALED,IS IT fnm MONEY OR MONEY FROM THE tREASURY BEING USED TO FIGHT THIS LOST CASE?HAI must be made to answer as he seems to enjoy spending other persons money and saving his own.

    It is amazing how FNMs think.. When the PLP contested Musgrove’s appointment to the Senate in the court, FNMs said that the PLP was wasting the courts time and blocking up the courts… But when the PLP actually won the case, the FNM quicky appealed it so now who is wasting the courts time???

    FNMs must realize that our laws allow for the courts to be used if one feels like they have been denied justice!!! So just like the PLP had a right to put this matter before the courts, the FNM has a right to appeal.. But what I want to know is why does it take so long for matters like this to come up before the courts because the PLP only had 5 years to appoint another Senator but as of this moment, the PLP only has 3 more years left to appoint its Senator but HI is too much of a man to admit that he made a mistake in appointing Musgrove the first time…

    So I wonder if whoever is appointed to the Senate by the PLP will get all that salary that they missed for all these years if the FNM looses their appeal???

  2. Alonzo Smith :@Russell JohnsonI’m not questioning the surface errors in the blog Mr. Johnson. It’s the actual news articles which inform the blogs. Few persons can take a newspaper seriously if its writers and editors cannot spell. It just undermines the paper’s integrity and becomes an embarrassment and offensive. All one needs to do further, Mr. Johnson, is peruse a few of the articles this paper publishes. There is no excuse for excellence, regardless of the venue.

    If you want to read the papers, there are many out there, go and read them!! This is a blog and not a paper… I, at one point, also critized BP for its mistakes but that’s BP. If you don’t like it, don’t read it!!

  3. @Joe Blow
    Thanks Joe. Maybe now we’ll see some improvements. At the end of the day, all a we is one; so the Bahamas Press shortcomings are all of our shortcomings. BTW, I used the vernacular intentionally.

  4. @Russell Johnson
    I’m not questioning the surface errors in the blog Mr. Johnson. It’s the actual news articles which inform the blogs. Few persons can take a newspaper seriously if its writers and editors cannot spell. It just undermines the paper’s integrity and becomes an embarrassment and offensive. All one needs to do further, Mr. Johnson, is peruse a few of the articles this paper publishes. There is no excuse for excellence, regardless of the venue.

  5. Alonzo Smith: I have suggested B.P. have someone edit its submissions before they are published but to no avail. Sometimes they are so bad that one can only guess what B.P. is trying to convey. It does detract from the substance of the issue at hand and indeed others must get the opinion that we are somewhat illiterate when our press people are so careless.

  6. Lolo this is as blog and not a place for taking a test.The issue being discussed here is whether or not the FNM Govt.has now conceded that it was incorrect when it first appointed Musgrove.These surface errors of which you complain Smith are not in any way detrimental to the proposed discussion.Since you are in the house then point out the irregularities to improve things to your liking.

  7. Hi,

    Who is the editor for Bahamas Press? The misspelling and other surface errors are horrendous. One must take more care in looking after these mistakes before publishing. This paper as a result of the internet and other technology goes around the world. And it’s embarrassing that so many mistakes are made, to say the least. One has to wonder what the world thinks about us.

  8. Drama: I thought, this quote, attributed to Will Rogers was most
    apropos when it comes to P.C.” Even if you are on the right track you will get run over , if you just sit there.”

  9. I would say, with the appointment of Musgrove, it is because he has been assessed as someone who would be a welcome addition to the Senate. Certainly he was greeted by both sides in a very affable way. A Senate is designed to look at bills from a different perspective than they are looked at in the House. They should be looked at from a constitutional perspective as well as for correctness of form. The House looks at the function. It is a shame that we make appointments mostly as political pay-offs, when we should be appointing persons who have a deep regard for constitutionality and who can make a reasoned decision as to the benefits for the People. I just cringe when certain persons stand up to make their contributions there as I know those persons will carry on in a politically motivated vein thinking only to denegrade those opposite.

  10. With the appointment of Musgrove does this mean that HAI has conceded that he was wrong in appointing him the first time?Since the Attorney General aPPEALED,IS IT fnm MONEY OR MONEY FROM THE tREASURY BEING USED TO FIGHT THIS LOST CASE?HAI must be made to answer as he seems to enjoy spending other persons money and saving his own.

  11. If Christie satisfied with the state of his party, he truly is in a state of dimentia. Poor fella!

  12. I heard this man was in Exuma with the PLPs too! He need to make up his mind which master he will serve – The Tyrant or the Pussy Cat!!

  13. campaigning under the plp- a scion of his father?
    bp i saw where u deleted that post by thomas finley.

  14. @tp
    Well it is the same fellaa. Das something ech? TP, lil news about the man campaigning with PLP on the island and Hubert quickly put a stop to dat. Christie on the other hand is a SAD SAD case of dementia. They leaving him left right and centre, and he could careless. He says he is satisfied with the state of his party. Hmmmmmm!


  15. PRESS is this the same Anthony Musgrove according to you that had cross over and was campaigning in Exuma for the PLP last month.

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