Prime Minister Christie and DPM Davis launch Urban Renewal GED Program…


    New Program to give young people a ‘second chance’ at Education…

    Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie.

    Christie Government set to leave no one behind in the area of Education…

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development, the Hon. Philip Davis delivers remarks and introduces the Prime Minister during the launch of the Urban Renewal Commission’s General Education Diploma - GED- Programme. The event was held September 15 at Evangelistic Temple.

    NASSAU, The Bahamas – In a bid to provide a ‘second chance’ for some Bahamians, the Government has launched the Urban Renewal Commission’s General Education Diploma (GED) programme. Announcing the initiative on the evening of September 15 at Evangelistic Temple, Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie recalled some of his personal challenges with education and encouraged the 75 diploma candidates ‘never to give up’ on themselves. The General Education Diploma will provide education and skills to those who for various reasons had not met standard expectations, and will provide a bridge to a better future.

    “Believe in yourself even when others give up on you,” said Mr. Christie. “Believe that you can do anything that you put your mind to and always remember that the nothing that is worthwhile in life ever comes easy.”

    Also in attendance was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development, the Hon. Philip Davis, who told the participants that although the journey ahead might prove to be difficult at times, their focus should always be on the ‘end result.’

    “Celebrate the gift of a second chance. It may not present itself again,” said Mr. Davis. “It is estimated that half of all welfare recipients do not possess a high school diploma, therefore, this is an excellent opportunity for those of you with children to be able to support them even better.”

    The GED program will span nine months’ duration, which is ‘a year’ on the academic calendar. The nine months are divided into three terms with the first com mencing September 22, 2014 and ending December 19, 2014. The second and third terms will begin January 2015 with an end to the academic year in June 2015. The first graduation is proposed for June 2015.

    Subjects will include: Mathematics; Language Arts; General Science; Biology; and Business studies which will incorporate Business Communication, Computers in Business (including Microsoft word, excel, access, and power point), and Entrepreneurial Skills. They will also learn how to develop small businesses and be exposed to courses such as: Principles of Business, Marketing and Accounting; Oral Communication; Civics; and Life Skills, with personal development.Vice-President of Administration at Atlantic Educational System Dr. Melony Thompson said the programme has been in existence since the year 2000 and has proven to be successful: “The success of our students is a testimony to the quality of this program,” said Dr. Thompson.

    “Colleges locally and internationally have accepted students from this program; Government departments and Ministries, and private organizations have honored students completing this programme and can attest to the quality.”

    Also in attendance was Co-Chair of the Urban Renewal Commission, Mrs. Cynthia Pratt.