BPL power supply goes down in Western New Providence tonight even though new $94 million generators are up and running!


Where is the report on the BPL arson attack – when generators blew up and nothing was said?!

BPL BOARD – File photo.

NASSAU| BPL power supply is off in several parts of the island tonight and we have yet to know exactly why this is the case – especially after a $94 million Watsilia power generator has just come online.

We can confirm electricity went off in SandyPort, High Point, North Westridge, South Westridge, Delaporte and in several other sections of Western New Providence.
Now, according to BPL, they are experiencing “Technical Difficulties” which is the famous translation for “We don’t know what in the hell just happened”.

As the holidays approach, the talk in Parliament on the legacy debt rip-off suggested that Phase II for the new generators would be a game-changer for customers.

Back in 2018 three generators at BPL blew up. Since then, there has not been one discussion on how the incident happened or whether the machines were covered by insurance or even if the Insurance paid for the fires which some believe was an arson attack by the BPL Management!

To this day, more than a year later, not one Bahamian has been informed as to what really happened at BPL. And some people just don’t give a damn as to why. AH, WELL!

Anyway, we bought new generators, we borrowed millions. The Holoweskos are grabbing their percentage off the top and Minnis does LIE!

We report yinner decide!