Dr. Rolle Inducts New President for the Rotary Club of South East Nassau


Immediate past president of the Rotary Club of South East Nassau, Dr Bridgette Rolle (left) transferred the president’s medal and pinned incoming president (2016-2017) Lillian Russell (right), a lawyer and financial services professional. In the background is assistance district governor and past president of the Rotary Club of Nassau Sunrise, Mario Smith. IPP Bridgette joined the Rotary Club of South East Nassau in 2004 and President Lillian in 2002.
Immediate past president of the Rotary Club of South East Nassau, Dr Bridgette Rolle (left) transferred the president’s medal and pinned incoming president (2016-2017) Lillian Russell (right), a lawyer and financial services professional. In the background is assistance district governor and past president of the Rotary Club of Nassau Sunrise, Mario Smith. IPP Bridgette joined the Rotary Club of South East Nassau in 2004 and President Lillian in 2002.

Nassau, The Bahamas – “Be A Gift To The World” was the Rotary International theme for 2015-2016, and it was successfully represented by the Rotary Club of South East Nassau (RCSEN), resulting with a gold award from Rotary International and a platinum award from Rotary District 7020. The club’s Early Act group at Columbus Primary were also winners for a “best song and video” about “Bullying.”

Every year towards the end of June or early July, Rotary clubs around the world install new presidents at a changeover event. The RCSEN recently held theirs on July 7, 2016 where outgoing president, Dr. Bridgette Rolle presented awards and pinned incoming president, Lillian Russell, a lawyer and financial services professional. Russell has been a member of the RCSEN since 2002 and has served in various directorships as well as being a recipient of awards and recognitions.

Russell kicks off this Rotary year with “Rotary Serving Humanity” and her club’s 40th Anniversary, with the first celebration taking place on July 20th to mark the original charter date of July 19, 1976. Other objectives will include greater engagement of the club’s membership, returning to some of the older fellowship events with focus on family, service projects with the Robert Smith Ward at Sandilands, the Nurse Naomi Christie Centre for the Aged, the Salvation Army, its partnership with the Ministry of Social Services for bi-monthly food distributions to families, and heightened financial and hands-on support to the club’s youth arms being: EarlyAct at Columbus Primary, Interact clubs at St. Andrew’s and Dame Doris High Schools, and the Rotaract Club of Southeast Nassau Centennial.

Addressing her fellow Rotarians at the changeover event, president Lillian said, “You have given me a wonderful opportunity to be able to serve our Rotary Club as president; it is a role that will be a great challenge and I am humbled to have been chosen. We have a great tradition of “service above self” and each president before me has continued to build and develop our club into one that we are proud to serve.”

Russell also spoke about the theme set out by Rotary International president, John Germ. “In a way, this year’s theme reminds us of what it is that we already do – we serve humanity! Every day that you serve in Rotary, you have the opportunity to change lives. Everything you do matters; every good work makes the world better for us all. In this new Rotary year, we all have a new chance to change the world for the better, through Rotary serving humanity.”

The 2016 to 2017 board of directors for the Rotary Club of South East Nassau are: Lillian Russell, president; Godfrey Bethell Jr., president-elect and membership; Errin Storr, secretary; Bruno Pletscher, treasurer; Dr. Bridgette Rolle, immediate past president and Rotary Foundation; Tonya Farrah, community service; Cerys Howells, club administration; Nekisha Rolle, youth service; Azaleta Ishmael-Newry, public image; Bruce LaFleur, vocational service; Johann Bain, international service; Jamaal Davis, fundraising, and Delmaro Duncombe has the fellowship portfolio.

THE ROTARY BOARD OF 2015-2016 RECEIVE AWARDS: Past directors and Rotarians from the previous board received awards from immediate past president (IPP) Bridgette Rolle. Directors Awards were presented to: then incoming president, Lillian Russell, past president (PP) David Moncur, PP Rema Martin, Dominic Williams, Robert Gayle, PP Reginald Saunders and Rishad Bain. Recognition for those who held “chair” positions went to: Afton Moxey, PP Peter Goudie, PP Rochelle Wilkinson, Johann Bain, PP Sean Blyden, and Nekisha Rolle. Presidential Awards were given to Ralph Barnett and Azaleta Ishmael-Newry while the Rotarian of the Year award went to PP and PADG, Charles Sealy II and PP and AG, Tim Ingraham. Special recognition for Club Trainer and Adviser included PP and PADG Roger Kelty, and PP and AG, Tim Ingraham. Tonya Farah was recognized as Club Secretary and PP Sean Blyden and IPP Dr. Bridgette Rolle also received recognitions.

Rotary represents 1.2 million neighbors, friends, and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world. Our differing occupations, cultures, and countries give us a unique perspective. Our shared passion for service helps us accomplish the remarkable. The Rotary Club of South East Nassau meets every Wednesday at 12:30pm at East Villa Restaurant on East Bay Street.