Government Signs Contracts Totalling $641,200



This is what happens when a BLOG like Bahamas Press keeps the pressure on government after canceling contracts. The government is now SIGNING CONTRACTS FOR EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE. Bahamas Press supports this move by the Ingraham government! Five contractors receive contracts from Public Works and Transport Minister the Hon. Neko Grant for maintenance of drainage wells throughout New Providence. From left to right: Gordon Major, acting director in the Ministry of Public Works and Transport; Nicole Campbell, undersecretary in the Ministry of Public Works and Transport; Minister Grant; Donna Williams, Clean Drains and Maintenance; Jason Stubbs, Janitorial and General Maintenance; back row from left to right: Howard Barrett, chief engineer, Ministry of Public Works and Transport; Dexter Williams, Family Island engineer, Ministry of Public Works and Transport; Jason Cartwright, Inter-Coastal Marine; Cecil Bowe, Bowe’s Plumbing and Well Drilling and David Maura who signed on behalf of Robert Baker proprietor of Bahamas Industrial Maintenance.

Nassau, The Bahamas — The government of The Bahamas signed five contracts totalling $641,200 for the maintenance of 834 drainage wells and 664 associated catch pits throughout New Providence.

Minister of Public Works and Transport the Hon. Neko Grant signed the contracts Thursday with various local contractors during a brief ceremony in the boardroom of the Ministry.

Minister Grant said the wells and catch pits will be cleaned three times per year and the deep wells will be blown with compressed air two times per year.

“We in the Ministry of Public Works and Transport expect that the work undertaken by these contractors will be of a consistently high standard and that these activities will serve as a preventive measure against flooding in the event of hurricanes and other adverse weather conditions,” Minister Grant said.

The contracts were signed with the following contractors to perform works in the mentioned areas:

*David Maura of Bahamas Industrial Maintenance in the amount of $138,800 in East and Northeast New Providence

*Jason Cartwright of Inter Coastal Marine Limited in the amount of $126,700
in East and Northeast New Providence

*Donna Williams of Clean Drains and Maintenance Limited in the amount of $145,700
in Pinewood and South New Providence

*Cecil Bowe of Bowe’s Plumbing Pumping and Well Drilling in the amount of $109,200
in Fort Charlotte and West New Providence

*Jason Stubbs of Janitorial and General Maintenance Company in the amount of $120,800
in West and South New Providence.


  1. I concur with Mr. Roberts that Bahamians can build roads to international standards. We need only look at Tonique Williams Highway and the extension of Milo Butler Highway all the way to Carmichael, both built and supervised by Bahamians. Compare that work to the Charles Saunders Highway (now that thoroughfare was built and supervised by foreigners). When an objective comparative analysis is done, most would agree that the quality of works executed by the Bahamian engineers and craftmen are far superior than that of the foreigners.

  2. Mr. Bradley Roberts & Omar Archer,
    I would like to thank you for your contribution in this country over the years, mainly your last term in office. I’ve been a hard FNM supporter over the last 4 elections. But Bahamas Press is really opening my eyes to the major flows in the FNM philosophy. I must say you and Mr. Shane Gibson help to change many young Bahamian lives for the better. You made the provision for many to access land through Government built homes for as little as $20,000. You save us at least $60,000. You know OTHER some people are eager to give foreign people land, but have a problem selling Bahamian land to Bahamians at a reduce price.
    Bahamians must realize that whosoever OWNS the majority of land owns the country.

    On that note, Mr. Omar Archer DO NOT STOP, keep up with your mission concerning land in this country. I heard you on the radio expressing your concerns. Let me know how I can help you in this plight.

  3. O.T. “Stupid is as stupid does or in this case says”. That word was yours in the first place. Your missive makes it abundantly clear why I am an independant. Both parties have diehard people who are childish and have a one-track mind. That is precisely why we are all stuck in a time warp. We are all Bahamians and should by now have the good sense to believe NONE of what either side says at a political rally. As Judge Judy says” How do you know when a politician is lying? When he/she opens his/her mouth.” The #1 priority of any politician is to be elected or re-elected. When You finally realize this, you will take anything they say with some skeptisism (or maybe a lot). I will try in the future not to offend your sensibilities, even as you continue to offend mine.

  4. Joe Blow you should have never mentioned TRUTH in your answer to me because NOTHING that you said was true!!

    Media beat me to the deal!

    You want truth??? How about the automated system at BTC??? Didn’t the PM say at a rally in Fox Hill prior to the election that he would have “live people” answering the phones at BTC if Bahamians gave him a chance once again to lead this country???

    For a person who has NO idea what FNMs think, you sure push their agenda is quick to say that PLPs are the only ones who find everyone’s ideas who don’t line up with theirs are stupid..

    For your info, FNMs think the same way about PLPs so if you were INDEPENDENT, you would NOT make one sided STUPID statements like that!!!

  5. Joe Blow, that is BS! Bahamians could have gotten that contract if the government was interested in them having it, just as they got it under the PLP. The boys are back! I nearly drove off of the road when I heard the name Mott Mcdonald over the radio. The Bahamas is not a dolly house, or is it?

  6. To Mr. Roberts: No one said that Bahamians could not build roads.IT is pointed out that there is no Bahamian company that has been able to provide the massive equipment needed and which can guarantee the funding for the project. As to the drains, all during your tenure there were many complaints about the need to clean the sewers properly so as to mitigate some of the flooding problems.

  7. Bradley Roberts Comments is noted!


    <# By bradley b roberts on Dec 22, 2008 | Reply | Edit during my tenure as minister of works & utilities contracts for maintenance of drainage wells and associated catch pits throughout new providence were a routine exercise. the fnm government is of the view that routine works is now a big thing. Joe Blow suggestion that the awarding of the recent NPRIP contact to non Bahamians was for logistic reasons is a big joke!the record is there for all to see, Bahamian road builders have proven that they are qualified to build roads to international standards. bradley b roberts >

  8. O.T. I have no idea what FNMs think. I express only my own thoughts. Because I don’t always fall in with your line of thinking it does not make me an FNM. That is one thing I find so irritating about PLPs. They believe independant thinkers, who have ideas perhaps contrary to their party lines are the stupid ones. Grow up and understand there are some of us who do not care about party politics and just want what’s best for the country. If you are interested in the truth;
    the PLP did nothing about the flooding in their last 5 years; so I am grateful for any attempt made. If it employs Bahamians all the better. Further, even you can understand there is no Bahamian company that has the magnitude of equipment needed for a massive road project and can also qualify for the necessary financial backing needed. Now the Chinese are going ahead with the Stadium and they will be employing a lot of Chinese workers. Since they are providing the money, we will have to understand that is a condition. No doubt your Party friends will have many negative comments about that! Our reputation always proceeds us and no country is going to hand us $25 million without strings attached. As to the PLP providing jobs, it was the timing that was suspect. Not that the FNM had not done the same in the past. Kindly speak to the issues when replying to my thoughts and don’t assume I am anything but an independant.

  9. Joe Blow wasn’t it HI himself who was berating the PLP about just providing jobs for Bahamians rather than making them owners???

    I support the provision of jobs for Bahamians.. The FNM especially HI just need to stop all the double talk!!

    Obviously HI does not think that Bahamians are ready to take on a $120 million contract so why did he make it seem like the PLP was holding Bahamians back by providing jobs for them??

    Now you are saying that at least Bahamians will be employed??? Do FNMs think that everyone else are just stupid???

  10. $641,200 divided by five equals a bit over $128 thousand,….. and there’s a Cartwright in the photo, boy o boy. payback time na… everybody knows it only takes one or two hour of rain and the whole of Nassau is flooded, and een no amount of drain cleaning can change that… this one ga backfire just like everything else.

  11. during my tenure as minister of works & utilities contracts for maintenance of drainage wells and associated catch pits throughout new providence were a routine exercise. the fnm government is of the view that routine works is now a big thing. Joe Blow suggestion that the awarding of the recent NPRIP contact to non Bahamians was for logistic reasons is a big joke!the record is there for all to see, Bahamian road builders have proven that they are qualified to build roads to international standards.
    bradley b roberts

  12. This response from Government has been a long time coming. When pressure from all sectors mount, it gives a clear message to the responsible parties that something must be done. We must keep in mind though that it is not necessarily the elected official that are the driving force. We tend to direct our desires to our Member of Parliament and while that is good, it is more often the Heads of Departments who can influence decisions. They are also the ones who convey to the Ministry of Finance just what should take priority in the budget needs. So it stands to reason that we, when writing to Government, should write our letters to Permanent Secretaries and Dept. Heads with copies to the appropriate Minister.
    Be that as it may, kudos to all those responsible for these government contracts. Now the responsibility is in the contractors hands and they should be warned that we, the public, will be watching to see they do their jobs honestly and fairly.
    The FNM Government is moving on needed infrastructure and this bodes well for our future. Even though the road works contract was awarded to a foreign company, because of logistic reasons, there will be many Bahamians being employed. I urge all workers to get out and be registered for work at the Labour Dept. Don’t put it off because of the holidays. Do it now!

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