Minnis Government pays Johnathan Ashe some $150,000 in just five months!


Ash still being paid $30,000 per month from public taxpayers money – AND FOR WHAT?

Leaked document shows Minnis Government is paying Johnathan Ash some $30,000 a month!

Nassau – We told the country Carl Wilshire Bethel is unfit to serve as Attorney General of the Bahamas.

This week the country was alerted to the fact that the man at the center of an alleged criminal matter, Johnathan Ash, has collected more than $150,000 from the Minnis Government.

The payments were advanced, however, it is still unclear as to why any of the payments were made.

Some believe that Mr. Ash (like Barbara Hanna of the $1.8 million PMH Cleaning Contract), may have been paid $30,000 per month for his involvement in a criminal case in which he is the virtual complainant.

Why would the Minnis Government be making six-figured payments to persons involved in high-profile criminal cases???

These revelations bring serious questions to the doorsteps of the Government:
Are the payments an inducement in manufactured cases?

Witness Coaching’ has already been proven according to the taped recordings of the evidence gathering.

We report yinner decide!