PLP MP makes major pitch to win seat long before FNM candidate could get on the ground…


FNM candidate cannot raise money and is considering dropping out of the race!

GOLD RUSH! Thousands of PLP supporters marching on Labour Day 2016.
GOLD RUSH! Thousands of PLP supporters marching on Labour Day 2016.

Nassau, Bahamas – A PLP MP is feeling the spirit of Christmas already and today was checking on his residents door to door making sure his constituents’ lights remain on.

The MP, who is like a mayor in this community, has already ordered some 3,000 turkey and ham packages for this election year Christmas and is telling residents look what you ga get with his kind of representation.

Since the passage of Hurricane Matthew, the MP was seen on day one hard on the ground in his constituency and was also shipping major items off to affected islands.

Meanwhile, the opposition FNM opponent is considering dropping out of the race due to lack of funds and serious family problems. The candidate, who attempted to have his baptism in politics in another constituency where he was beaten by hundreds of votes, was afraid to come in the area following the storm. He had no money and had not been seen by his constituents for months now. From the temperature on the ground, that PLP MP looks like he has already run off with the seat. What is worse is the fact that the Leader of the FNM – who is realigning the Party – didn’t even let FNMs in Parliament know about the Government Hurricane Relief Programme.

We report yinner decide!