PM Davis stops at St. John’s College 75th Anniversary Exhibition at The Mall At Marathon

PM Davis with his classmates at the exhibition.

NASSAU| On Friday October 7th, 2022, Prime Minister the Hon Philip “Brave” Davis KC MP paid a special visit to the Mall at Marathon to view the display of his alma mater *“St. John’s College*” during the celebration of our 75th anniversary.

It will be an understatement to say that he was not warmly greeted by the alumni as we were preparing to wrap up our seven day display.

The Mall was buzzing with excitement as he interacted with his classmates and other alumni in the Marathon.

The Powerful Green Giant’s was like a mob frighting to take photos with.our beloved Prime Minister Davis.

*Respice, Adspice, Prospice*

Prime minister Davis from the class of 68′ and Mrs.Peggy Knowles-Knowles from the class of 1970′
Green and Grey for life🖋️