Reginald OUT as Commissioner of Police



Reginald Ferguson, Commissioner of Police .

Nassau, Bahamas: After serving for less then one year as Commissioner of Police, Reginald Ferguson is reportly about to leave the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Sources close to the RBPF have confirmed that Ferguson will oversee the transition at the top of the police force in the next coming weeks. Bahamas Press reported the shakeup on July 1 just after the announcement of the Cabinet Shuffle.

The source noted that Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is set to remove Commissioner of Police Reginald Ferguson and will cut the trainings of Ellison Greenslade and Marvin Dames to take up top posts on the RBPF.

The source confirmed that Prime Minister is not satisfied with the results of a recent investigations within the Force and therefore struck down a request for an extension of stay on the Force by Commissioner Ferguson. With drug dealers walking out of the central police custody, with no one accounting for their escape, sources confirmed the Prime Minister cussed like a sailor upon hearing the news.

To date no one in the RBPF has yet explained why an officer of the force was put on leave after discovering the dead body of fashion designer Harl Taylor. Reginald Ferguson will retire from the force at the end of the year.


  1. Omar,

    Ingraham believes he is God, so he cant be in damage control mode as he believes everything he does is right. He is crazy and we need to accept that.

    Commissioner Ferguson needs to go!!! He is no Commmissioner material and the Commissioners of old are hanging their heads in shame to see what the RBPF has come to. Its all a crying shame!

    The force needs to be cleaned up TOTALLY !! Too much rogues etc

  2. Ferguson talking ablout slackness in Central Police Station, he as well as thousands of Bahamians knew that was going on for years. Why try talk about it in such a public way when he could have addressed this issue internally. Did Commissioner Ferguson heard Minister of National Security Hon. Tommy Turnquest said crime is out of control. He gave up already. I am certain Commissioner Ferguson is aware that public confidence in the police force is at an all time low. He comments were divisive and ill mannered. There exist a small fraction of rogue cops on the force, with Ferguson being no exception. He is from the old guard. Keep them close to him who did dirty work with him and keep all others down. The man is evil and needs to go now. His appointment was one of Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham’s worst mistakes…Ingraham is now in damage control mode…

  3. Damn!…I thought he was leaving now. He never should have been appointed Commissioner in the first place. Ferguson has a 4 million dollar question he has to answer. What is he going to do now? Retire and build beach front condos on Long Island? This man is TOTALLY CORRUPT. Omar Archer Sr. says so. I wish you try to say otherwise.

  4. This is true……the FNM put him as Acting Commissioner as he is “one of the boys”. I think he is Juanianne and Johnlee’s brother. So he is in the mix. Thats how FNMs drop it.

    They choose their people though, as MANY deserving FNMs out there being TOTALLY ignored and cast aside while Hubbigetty “reward” those who dont deserve it. Dont worry WOW, “in aint long now”….you notice how quickly time is flying? Four years soon done and I cant wait.

  5. When you appoint a Police Commissioner because of politics and not his ability to do the job and inspire those under his command, what else could you expect to happen?

  6. I am very disappointed in Reginald Ferguson! He was always good at his job but recently I’ve had reason to doubt him. When he was made acting Commissioner I had great hopes for the RBPF but from what I can see the force is worst under his command. Plus I thought he ran a similar ship to Commmissioner Farquharson who allowed the public to see him about confidential matters. I left SEVERAL messages for Ferguson to call me so that we could meet on a very confidential matter….he never even had the decency to return my call much less meet with me.

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