Tommy Turnquest agrees with LAWBREAKERS!



“I have bought numbers before many years ago but I never won. So I said that I worked too hard for my money, to be putting my money in lotteries and numbers and so on, …I don’t buy numbers but I’m not opposed to it, I just don’t buy it.” Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest was quoted telling members of the media recently. Is he the minister aware of the fact that buying numbers is against the laws of The Bahamas? And isn’t he constitutionally empowered to uphold all laws? The minister said he does not oppose to persons BREAKING THE LAW?

We wonder, was this police officer going under heavy police guard into this Bowe’s number house on Bluehill and Martin Streets, was thinking as we are, that since his minister can buy numbers or bought it in the past, that now he can use officers of the State to protect him and his winning? THE MINISTER’S ENDORSEMENT OF ILLEGAL NUMBER HOUSES CAN CONCLUDE THAT HE ENDORSES EVERY SINGLE CRIME ALSO COMMITTED BY CRIMINALS AND THEREFORE HE IS UNFIT TO BE THE MINISTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY! Imagine a police saying, ‘I don’t support thiefing, I use to thief in the past, but now I don’t have a problem with it, but I don’t practise it.” WHAT A DUMB STATEMENT TO MAKE!

This country is headed to the dogs with that kind of asinine thinking at the top!


  1. lol media youis ma boi/girl lol

    so you must have taken a whole quote from a radio report with out recording it? and the guardian have a radio station now toooooooooooooooooooo lol

    so i guessits safe to say that you eeen read it in the guardian but you heard it on their radio ? same ting LMAO

  2. A question for “Someone in the Know” you say the officer in the pic is considering legal action, why?

    he was employed by the police staff association you say? but isnt a practice like that considered ‘moonlighting’? correct me if im worng now i just gatta make sure

    And isnt moonlighting something the the new commish wants stopped and does not encourage so iguess that makes it wrong in some kinda way help me out here cause i want to be in the know like you guys

    with that said blog on my bruddas (and sistas)

  3. Oh come on who say we did not hear it from the radio? One thing is certain we did not read that line out of the Nassau Guardian Newspaper.

  4. Hello everyone lets recap what media posted shall we

    “We never read the Guardian. That is why we were so shock when you said we plagiarized some article in it.

    And anyone who come in here knows that if we do use the WUTLESS media, we do give them credit, just look at our articles and you would see, we always quote the articles presented in print on matters. Particularly those where Hubert said something and it was recorded.”

    Now if we scroll up we can clearly see this….

    “I have bought numbers before many years ago but I never won. So I said that I worked too hard for my money, to be putting my money in lotteries and numbers and so on, …I don’t buy numbers but I’m not opposed to it, I just don’t buy it.” Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest was quoted telling members of the media recently.”

    that looks lifted to me withOUT proper credit given to the guardian fa tru MENTAL, thanks for the link to the story because i agree with media his picture was up for a while but not with that quote

    i smell a fish LOL

  5. Some of these people dissing BP so bad, but they keep logging on. Something obviously gat them coming back…..I wonder if its me?…tee hee…lol….

  6. Look like this ‘SOMEONE IN THE KNOW’ Asinine MORON keeps causing our numbers online to shoot up!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  7. Ok ‘Mental’ we will say this once, and we will say it slow so you can understand. We never read the Guardian. That is why we were so shock when you said we plagiarized some article in it.

    And anyone who come in here knows that if we do use the WUTLESS media, we do give them credit, just look at our articles and you would see, we always quote the articles presented in print on matters. Particularly those where Hubert said something and it was recorded.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  8. Anyway, not seeking to quibble, just thought you should give credit where credit is due.

  9. Now I am finally getting around to responding to this post of plagiarism (THIEFIN) the Guardian’s reporter’s story.

    Bahamas Press posted this photo LONG before Minister Tommy Turnquest came out and admitted that he bought numbers. Thats point #1.

    Number #2 It is our view he shared what he shared with the general public, because we know why that officer was being protected as he entered BOWE’s number house on Bluehill and Martin Streets. (IT IS THE PAYOUT CENTRE FOR PERSONS BUYING NUMBERS)

    Number #3, The quote of the minister was placed in the public domain by the Minister himself, not the Guardian reporter.

    Number #4, It is impossible for us to have taken the reporter’s words because the Guardian’s daily updated news is NOT posted online NOR have this writer bought a Guardian of late. I could not tell you what is on the Guardian’S front page then or now OR ANY DAY IN BETWEEN! WE DON’T TAKE NEW, WE MAKE NEWS IN THIS COUNTRY! AND THATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US AND THE WUTLESS MEDIA IN THIS TOWN!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

    PS: What we will say though is this, we sure as hell know every NEWSROOM in this country log onto Bahamas Press, including their owners and we can prove this point.

  10. some of you seem to have a problem with freedom of expression. is that not the purpose of a blog, I ask again?

  11. So then go on I agree with BP…if you all have such a big problem with this blog then dont log on.

  12. i meant “without” giving the paper credit. you know you call them “wutless” but yet you use the sotries that appear in the mainstream media.

    just a little hypocritical.

    also everyone should check out great site!

  13. Now! Now! Now! Mental the one thing we can safely say is that the media reads BP and tief stories from this Blog. I’ve never seen BP tief no story from this media which it so adamantly calls “wutless”. So take that back!!BP does its own investigations and obviously has VERY DEEP THROAT sources. SO watch ya mouth!! I gatta defend BP here cause I was glued to this site from its inception. I am the #1 fan !!

  14. It’s called an opinion, I can have one. Is that not the point of your blog?

    The story I am referring to is the one that appeared in the Guardian last Friday quoting Tommy Turnquest talking about buying numbers. You ripped the story with giving the paper credit.

    you know i’m right

  15. Now that I have my attention to this and some other communications posted here. let me say that as I continue to hear that we having so much deficiency and lack, the popularity on Bahamas Press continues to grow. The anger tones from so many post continue to flow. The worse we fight in here, the more lengthy the responses from persons who make these claims are.

    And in the mist of all this, let us be clear here. If Bahamas Press was to came across something as bad as some of you suggest we would not even return. Like at the PLP and FNM websites. They are rear reads for us. In fact some other blogs I hear exist in the country is just not in our taste.

    And so we ask ‘Mental’ and ‘Someone in the Know’, if you are tired of us. And cannot comprehend our communication and if it is so weak, why you continue to come back here time and time again?

    The last time we checked your hands was on your own bodies and so is your head. Which directs your computer here too often. We simply say, please take control of yourself and do not blame Bahamas Press for your lack of self control!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

    PS: What story mental? please explain.

  16. Be that as it may, BP clearly ripped off the Guardian’s story and claimed it as his own.

    I believe that is called plagiarism.

  17. Mental ….I know what it makes you….MENTAL….Yinna PLPs really getting angry at Media…and for what??…cause you all are the most WUTLESS Opposition in the history of this country’s opposition?? Wutless sef!! Plus you all working WITH Hubert Ingraham instead of against him. Look how quiet you all is in Parliament?? Not a peep!! Not a word even from bad boy Fred Mitchell…nuttin’ Wutless sef! All a yinna need to ease off Media…obviously he/she touched a nerve.

  18. By the way editor the quote at the beginning of your story was written by Stephen Gay at The Nassau Guardian. Strange how you like to steal from the “WUTLESS” media.

    I wonder what that makes you.

  19. I’m having trouble typing right now I’m laughing so hard.

    I actually feel a little bit bad for “Editor”, “Someone in the know” completely owned you. It must hurt to not be able to respond intelligibly.

    But hey, you’re the one that likes to shoot off his mouth. I guess you kind of deserve it.

  20. WTF? Boy that PLP webmaster really know how to run you hot. You sound paranoid and delusional in that last rant. Calm down man before you burst a blood vessel.

  21. I would have hoped that my very nicely toned post would have have awoken some sense of self preservation to the webmaster of Bahamas Press ©2007. But it seems that instead of admitting their own faults they have decided to taunt.

    Well, Editor-In-Chief, let me first tell you what I won’t do.

    1) Since your last post was so muddled and incoherent, I won’t really try and understand the quip you directed about Carvel, Earlin, Fred or Gorman or whomever other individual you would try to pawn your ill-informed article on. Especially when I have NO idea whom the persons are that you speak of. (Be assured I am not some political propagandist sent to take on the “well respected” and “nationally renowned” editor of the Bahamas Press ©2007. (Now that’s some good sarcasm.)

    2) I will not retort your meager attempts to discredit my post, (with your use of poorly communicated sarcasms and misguided attempts to change the intent of my original post.)

    3) I will not be petty and continually post and re-post and re-re-post just to satisfy your obvious boredom and lack of creativity to attack a truly timely issue pertinent to the Bahamian people. (I won’t even attack the numerous gross grammatical and vocab errors riddled throughout your last post, “EDITOR”.)

    4)I will not, with the exception for this one sentence, pay any credence to the obvious threat, “But please please keep reading because we are no where done with that article as yet.”

    5) I will not…….. you know what this is becoming a complete and utter waste. Let me just end on this note, the one thing I will do.

    A) I will hope,… I will hope that the officer takes your advice. I hope that this officer does continue to seek legal counsel and sues the keys right off your laptops, because for far too long, people like you and Bahamas Press ©2007 have taken the GIFTS of the internet and the free press and tore open the wrapping paper, dumped out the contents, and left it somewhere behind the couch for the dog to crap on. If you couldn’t undertand the colorful imagery, let me break it down, You are amatuers. Actually, you are worse than that. You are self-righteous, knowingly ignorant amatuers. You see, an amatuer aspires to grow and evolve. When it seems very clear that the Bahamas Press ©2007 is more than comfortable in stewing in it’s own ignorance.

    I hope that the Bahamas Press ©2007 does not misconstrue this post as a pissing contest that invites further re-posting. But rather consider it as a revelation. Don’t try to defend the work in mention. Just say sorry and move on and be better than you were.

    Do you guys remember when you were young kids, playing around and you did some crap and your mom was right behind you when you did it. Then you’d begin to open your mouth to explain, then your mom would make this tsch,tsch,tsch sound with her teeth and maybe give you a spank and send you on your way. And hopefully, if you were a good kid, you’d know better for next time. Well, I can imagine that that’s how the editor feels, he has been caught doing crap and instead of apologizing he is beginning to open his mouth and explain and explain. Well save your keystrokes, I am really not interested. I have already spanked you and sent you on your way and hopefully, hopefully,….hopefully you’ll know better for next time. (Research that is.)Please.


    This is incredible and worthy of us sharing with some of our private PLP and FNM partners. One would had believed that the PLP would use its bit of LAZED energies, to sighting the MANY MYRIAD of problems facing this country today like; the sale of BTC, the sale of BEC, EPA. The state of the Straw Market, the LATE AGAIN opening of school, the collapse of businesses and firings of workers all across this country. The raise in HIGH ‘DEATH GRIPPING’ taxes on the poor. We would had thought that fact the economy of The Bahamas is grinding to a STOP since May 2, 2007, we thought seriously that their 18 members reduced to 17 would have brought attention to these and others, making them priority number #1 for the PLP.

    But NO the PLP has gone on the edge to one; try and figure out who is running Bahamas Press and two; have allow a simple, but powerful BLOG to detour them from their function of being Her Majesty’s LOYAL OPPOSITION! Now isn’t that AMAZING? Are they in fear the Bahamas Press is more speaking on Behalf of the People of the Bahamas? gathering to this BLOG a rally of over 447,000 supporters that they find their hearts trembling and pounding out of their chests?

    We at Bahamas Press can careless what they say about us or who you try to scuff out, we have a job to do and We remind them so do they. All we say is this, TRY DO YA WUTLESS JOB! And stop being side tracked by JELOSY, Pettiness and being the BLACK CRAB OF THE DARKEST HUE!

    Because we assure you our expose’ on Christie, Hubert, The FNM and PLP, The AG, The POLICE, TOMMY and the Entire Cabinet of The Bahamas. On BIS, The Media or anyone else WILL CONTINUE, and no one will be spared who come against this BLOG!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  23. Bahamas Press welcomes the opinions of ‘Someone in the know’ and we advise you and your fellow officer to continue your councils with through legal means. In fact you should address your concerns to; Carvel, Earlin, Fred or Gorman one of these persons, according to the PLP WUTLESS webmaster who have launched that attack on this blog, therefore one of them should be responsible. However, we caution you that when we post articles on here, we are not not in the BLIND. Nor are we ill informed.

    But please please keep reading because we are no where done with that article as yet.

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  24. It is amazing how any MORON with internet access can start a half-baked blog and then consider themselves an accredited and informed source of information. This story, along with others that I have reviewed on this site, shows the obvious amateurish and unprofessional “NEWS”, (if you can call it that) that this over-hyped blog is known for. The first responsibility to any serious journalistic machine should be to the people. I’m not speaking of some super-sensationalized feelings about a certain issue that the “journalist” dreamt up the night before and jotted down the morning after. No, I’m talking about the well researched, thoroughly investigated, an UNBIAS,..let me repeat UNBIAS, facts of an issue. A reporter’s duty to the people is not to bend and manipulate the mind of the public to their point of view. But present FACT to these people and the urge and dare and compel them to draw their own informed opinion about the FACT. (I highlight the word FACT because it is apparent that this blog does not know the difference between Fact, which is incontrovertible and TRUTH, which is always relative.) Which brings me to the basis of my post;…FACT.
    The Facts are these:
    Fact 1) If this journalist did his homework he’d know that on the day when the photo was taken these police officers were participating in a Police Force authorized activity, (via the Police Staff Association). YES, these officers were employed through the staff association to keep the peace and preserve law and order at an All-day Fair and Cook-Out that took place just across the street at an open parking lot. (To which properly kept records will confirm.) You may have heard of it, it was called the Grants Town Community Expo, held Saturday July 26th. (Just a little bit of research and you hacks woulda known that.)
    Fact 2) At the time that the police officers were legally employed (via the Police Staff Association)at the fair, a disturbance involving two teenage brothers throwing projectiles occurred directly in front of the bar that is in the picture, (which is directly across from the fair grounds.) Therefore being RESPONSIBLE officers, the crew responded and during the course of their duty, some amateurish and unprofessional “photojournalist”, (yeah right) decided to snap a picture and make a few extra bucks. What you actually see here is the police resolving this issue and escorting one of the young siblings a distance away while the other retreated to his mother who was on the side of the bar. (Just a few questions to some bystanders and you would have known that too.)
    You know the funny thing about FACTS is that they can always be confirmed time and again. (Thus the term, “Fact-checking”, you MORONS.)So for those responsible readers, these facts, I’m quite certain can be corroborated not only by the officers (if someone had bothered to ask them), but also by the vendors that were at the fair, the security guard of the building adjacent to the fair ground and most importantly the well kept records at the police staff association.
    (A bit aside, I just have to mention that it makes me sick that I am even contributing so much to this “news” blog aside from the fact that I needed to chew them out on their irresponsible reporting.)
    Lastly,… and perhaps most importantly, (Web-Master you might wanna pay attention to this part.) One more FACT remains. As per Chapter 72 of the Statute Law of this great Commonwealth of The Bahamas. The picture located above this article was included with such GROSS NEGLIGENCE such that it might suggest that these officers are somehow involved with any illegal activities that may, (responsible writing -MAY-) exist at or around this establishment, (which is totally unfounded and incorrect) leaves the Bahamas Press ©2007 in a very actionable position for a libel suit (and I don’t mean the nice ones found at Bonneville Bones).
    Now that same statute talks about apologies and so and so forth,(you should really read it. )

    So all that I’m asking for, the only fair thing to do is for the Webmaster for this site to please, please,…pleassssssse for their own sake, take down this misleading picture and print a retraction that would not only clear up ambiguities about the picture but admit responsibility that this time, maybe just this time (I doubt it) you guys totally screwed up. But hey, its just a recommendation, but here is one last fact for you guys: an officer in this picture, who will remain unnamed has already sought legal counsel and was told that they have very good standing. Don’t believe me. Check it yourself. Hey, it’s a FACT.

  25. It is amazing how any MORON with internet access can start a half-baked blog and then consider themselves an accredited and informed source of information. This story, along with others that I have reviewed on this site, shows the obvious amateurish and unprofessional “NEWS”, (if you can call it that) that this over-hyped blog is known for. The first responsibility to any serious journalistic machine should be to the people. I’m not speaking of some super-sensationalized feelings about a certain issue that the “journalist” dreamt up the night before and jotted down the morning after. No, I’m talking about the well researched, thoroughly investigated, an UNBIAS,..let me repeat UNBIAS, facts of an issue. A reporter’s duty to the people is not to bend and manipulate the mind of the public to their point of view. But present FACT to these people and the urge and dare and compel them to draw their own informed opinion about the FACT. (I highlight the word FACT because it is apparent that this blog does not know the difference between Fact, which is incontrovertible and TRUTH, which is always relative.) Which brings me to the basis of my post;…FACT.
    The Facts are these:
    Fact 1) If this journalist did his homework he’d know that on the day when the photo was taken these police officers were participating in a Police Force authorized activity, (via the Police Staff Association). YES, these officers were employed through the staff association to keep the peace and preserve law and order at an All-day Fair and Cook-Out that took place just across the street at an open parking lot. (To which properly kept records will confirm.) You may have heard of it, it was called the Grants Town Community Expo, held Saturday July 26th. (Just a little bit of research and you hacks woulda known that.)
    Fact 2) At the time that the police officers were legally employed (via the Police Staff Association)at the fair, a disturbance involving two teenage brothers throwing projectiles occurred directly in front of the bar that is in the picture, (which is directly across from the fair grounds.) Therefore being RESPONSIBLE officers, the crew responded and during the course of their duty, some amateurish and unprofessional “photojournalist”, (yeah right) decided to snap a picture and make a few extra bucks. What you actually see here is the police resolving this issue and escorting one of the young siblings a distance away while the other retreated to his mother who was on the side of the bar. (Just a few questions to some bystanders and you would have known that too.)
    You know the funny thing about FACTS is that they can always be confirmed time and again. (Thus the term, “Fact-checking”, you MORONS.)So for those responsible readers, these facts, I’m quite certain can be corroborated not only by the officers (if someone had bothered to ask them), but also by the vendors that were at the fair, the security guard of the building adjacent to the fair ground and most importantly the well kept records at the police staff association.
    (A bit aside, I just have to mention that it makes me sick that I am even contributing so much to this “news” blog aside from the fact that I needed to chew them out on their irresponsible reporting.)
    Lastly,… and perhaps most importantly, (Web-Master you might wanna pay attention to this part.) One more FACT remains. As per Chapter 72 of the Statute Law of this great Commonwealth of The Bahamas. The picture located above this article was included with such GROSS NEGLIGENCE such that it might suggest that these officers are somehow involved with any illegal activities that may, (responsible writing -MAY-) exist at or around this establishment, (which is totally unfounded and incorrect) leaves the Bahamas Press ©2007 in a very actionable position for a libel suit (and I don’t mean the nice ones found at Bonneville Bones).
    Now that same statute talks about apologies and so and so forth,(you should really read it. )

    So all that I’m asking for, the only fair thing to do is for the Webmaster for this site to please, please,…pleassssssse for their own sake, take down this misleading picture and print a retraction that would not only clear up ambiguities about the picture but admit responsibility that this time, maybe just this time (I doubt it) you guys totally screwed up. But hey, its just a recommendation, but here is one last fact for you guys: an officer in this picture, who will remain unnamed has already sought legal counsel and was told that they have very good standing. Don’t believe me? Check it yourself. Hey, it’s a FACT.

  26. If you getting swing with your eyes WIDE open, then how can you lead a nation of people?

  27. Hubert mashing up Tommy is not the issue, it’s Tommy getting swing, then getting mash up , then running back like a faithful but foolish potcake and talking ‘bout he want lead the country. He definitely does not have leadership qualities or ability.

  28. If you guys were talking about policy issues, etc., there would be no argument, but you guys are running on about Hubert trying to mash up Tommy which does not sound like policy to me. Why would Hubert mashing up Tommy be the country’s business? Mashing up the country, yes, unless Tommy is the country in your minds…

  29. Man, I feel sorry for Tommy. Serious. I really dont believe he realizes how much trouble and mayhem Hubert Ingraham can cause. And, I dont believe he knows that this man truly does not like him and means him the worse kind of harm imagineable. Hubert Ingraham is the thing in the Garden of Eden that tempted Eve and messed up the world…….what was it again?….ahh yess…it was a snake…..ummm…and Satan.

  30. WOW, dont even waste your breath on Thomas Finley/MBA. OBVIOUSLY they feel the need to defend Tommy because Tommy needs defending.

    And I agree with you 100%….its the fact that I AM worrying about my wife and kids why I am commenting so much on the state of affairs in our country. Again I say, Ingraham and the YES MEN crew who work for him are running this country in the ground and RUBBING OUT the middle class which spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E !!!!

    I dont want to be like the Haitians with NO middle class and have to be risking my life and my family’s life by traveling in makeshift boats to find a better life.

    “They coming by boat…they coming by plane….they coming in wheelchair…..”

  31. This matter should be put to the public. Look at the dishonest church leaders that are robbing the poor people driving around in their big cars If you check them out carefully they have shares that are tied to liquor business. Liquor destroys more people than playing numbers.

  32. Legal Eye,

    Please don’t make assumptions.

    I have never bought numbers, and I don’t intend to.

    My decision has nothing to do with religion etc, but has to do with the mere fact that buying numbers is ILLEGAL……. Plain and simple.

    There are many of us out there who may not be famous, rich, politically connected etc, but simply know right from wrong, what is legal and illegal, and choose to always follow lawful path.

    Not every Bahamaian goes about breaking the law even if it is to run a red light, or throw trash out of a car window.

    Please don’t attempt to use the same switch to beat us all with.

  33. Obviously Tommy can’t take care of himself because you 2 have to defend him. And if y’all want me to stay out of Tommy and Hubert business, tell them to resign so they can stay out of mine. They are public officials who are leading the country that I am a citizen of and it is my right to comment on whatever I want.

    Ps. I am worrying and my wife and children and the state of this country for that matter Thomas Finely. That is why I can’t stand to see how these two are running it into the ground! Why don’t you worry about your wife and kids and stop defending these two.

  34. I agree with Thomas Finley that Tommy Turnquest does not require instructions from Drama King and WOW!He is quite capabale of taking care of himself.

  35. “I have bought numbers before”. What Bahamian hasnt bought nuber before? Most of us break a law of the land every day eg. driving beyond the speed limit.This headline is RIDICULOUS!

  36. Drama King and Wow, why don’t you guys worry about your wives and children and stay out of Hubert and Tommy business? Tommy is a grown man, and so I am sure he don’t need you two jokers to hold his hand on any matter.Did you guys defend Tommy when the former PLP Chairman, Pierre Dupuch, and the entire PLP front line was ridiculing Tommy about not being a leader? No, so cut the crap because no one is buying it…

  37. Tommy let Ingraham tell him he wasn’t coming back, he believed him despite the fact that anybody with eyes could see what was happening. Ingraham came back and kick him to the curb. At the convention, Ingraham beckon to Tommy, “come here boy” and he ran up on stage like a puppy. Then during the campaign, after all that, he talk about he could trust Mr. Ingraham! Come on people, y’all can’t expect better from him. Y’all could imagine he was PM? Lord have mercy the whole world would take advantage of us swinging our PM Turnquest left, right, and centre. Tommy better sit down and be content to play 2nd fiddle.

  38. Tommy should not have said this…..but I think he was just being honest. Instead of worrying about numbers, he needs to be planning his campaign for 2012 elections as leader of the FNM. Hubert Ingraham is trying to destroy him and he is worrying about numbers??? Get real, Tommy!!

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