Two brothers employed at Bahamasair arrested after drugs were found in their home…

Officers leaving Inagua with two brothers supected of trafficking drugs.

INAGUA| Two brothers employed with the national flag carrier Bahamasair were taken into custody down in Inagua by police on Monday.

Drug Enforcement Officers tracked the illegal drugs at the employees home. Both brothers are employed with the airline; one being a ticket agent and the other a baggage handler.

Just over the weekend BP reported how a female Morton Salt employee showed up in Nassau with her bag loaded with dangerous drugs having a street value of over quarter of a million dollars (she wanted to get paid bad). The flight arrived on Big Mother’s Day and police were waiting to crown her mother of the hour with handcuffs!

The trio will all be charged this coming week and the good news is this; Bahamasair and Morton Salt have three new vaccines.

People started having problems with their money around here when they stopped worshipping the Source Of All Blessings (GOD)!

We report and yinner ga decide!