What are the terms of employment for the Financial Secretary?


Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest speaking on the 12% Vat hike on Bahamians with the press. His Acting FS is now on vacation? AGAIN?

Nassau – Marlon Johnson is reportedly on two weeks leave. This means that within the first 10 months of his employment, he has taken over 6 weeks of combined vacation/casual leave. A typical senior officer gets a combined 6 weeks after twelvemonths of continuous employment.

So in addition, that larger than normal paycheck, Mr. Johnson gets to take time off at will without reference to the normal rule of the public sector. In addition, while on leave he has no obligation like other senior public officers, to ensure the smooth functioning of the Ministry of Finance as he advised his staff that he can not be contacted by phone or email during his leave.

The Public Service Commission must be looking into this?

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister without technical support from the Ministry of Finance is holding town meetings in the Family Islands to justify the very onerous 60% increase of the VAT. No wonder in the meetings the Prime Minister is taking no questions.

The ACTING FS returned to work yesterday.

We report yinner decide!