Why is Justice Delayed in the Randy Fraser Trial?


What sermon will RANDY FRASER preach this Sunday? How to have sex in Church?

Nassau, Bahamas – Someone deep in the judiciary is attempting to stall a decision, which most likely will not be good for a Bishop in the Baptist church.

Bishop E. Randy Fraser is being tried for having sexual relations with a minor who was placed in his care. The young girl in distress told her story how the accused was all over her, buying her expensive accessories, taking her on long drives and leaving salacious voice messages. She described in detail the scene of the Bishop’s marital home right down to the drapes and sheets in the master bedroom.

Over the long lengthy trial and retrial, Bishop Randy Fraser has maintained his innocence. He claims he never had sex with the minor and that the story is a lie.

In fact, the “good” Bishop’s wife went as far as to suggests the semen found on the church carpet could have been placed there when she, and her husband got excited and decided to have marital rendezvous on the church floor. WHAT SACRILEGE!

What irks us most about this case, however, is the snail’s pace in which it has been carried through the courts. We would go as far as castigating the Wutless judge overseeing the trial for her dilly-dally, shilly-shally and dither to administer justice. The case has dragged along since the last general elections [SINCE 2005], longer than the case involving Andre Birbal who had to be extradited back to the Bahamas, and from the looks of things the Fraser trial could possibly not be finished before the trial now in the US with Dr. Murry in the death of Michael Jackson.

Bahamians should find outrage in this despicable display of justice, and go down into Bank Lane and cuss the judge hearing this case until she finds her pen to administer the fate of Bishop Fraser, whether innocent or guilty.

For a long time now we at BP have repeated the saying; you could march until walking becomes a thing of the past, but nothing will change until people learn how to address the problem square in the face.

This week the judge sitting over the Fraser trial delayed the case yet again because the lawyer representing the accused failed to show.

Why would a judge delay a ruling in a case for more lengthy days, which took her months and days to write? WHY?

Didn’t it took the system hours to release the Barefoot Bandit, even though he had a gun, a stolen private vessel, landed in the Bahamas illegally, had broken into shops and homes and brought terror to this society? Didn’t Hubert Ingraham asked the question to the media, “What crime has he committed?” Justice for the Barefoot Bandit was swift, however, and yet here we have this DAMN Randy Fraser case, involving incidents of sex with a minor, and some JACKASS on the bench playing hopscotch, jumping jacks, tic-tac-toe, ring play and backgammon with the Bahamian people. We live to see the day when judges in this town can be fired on the spot!

Randy Fraser was a former member of the Child Protection Board. He was a former teacher, and is a spiritual leader for some people in the Baptist community. This case involved a child, and cases involving children should be seen to gather the full attention of justice and should be expedited immediately! No wonder so many pedophiles are roaming the street of this country.

A judge’s ruling is delayed cause one damn attorney failed to show? ‘Yinner’ better ‘get it together or get ‘ya’’ – KNOW WHAT – off the damn bench!



  1. The courts need to stop wasting time and put this sexual predator behind bars. Using the church as his personal motel and making his members finance it for him. The wife is a foolish woman too though, I don’t care what he promised to give her, she should of taken it and tell him, “Sweetie, you know I love you and I would do anything for you, even though you cheated on me and screw that girl who could be your granddaughter, I forgive you. I am not stupid, I realize I am getting old now and I can’t do half the things I use to do to satisfy you, you were just looking for a little excitement. I am not going to let that girl get between us, I know you love me, so If you need me to lie for you, I would do that in a heartbeat. Don’t worry about nothing, you know you could always count on me, I have your back, you straight, yeah, you straight, ummm!” Then when I get before the magistrate, I was going to say, “Your Honour this man is something else, I don’t know who he was screwing in that church office, but I know one thing, it wasn’t me”. Then I was going to look across the court room at him with a puzzled look on my face and ask him, “Sweetie, how you manage to get your cum on the floor in the church? I really don’t understand it, please explain it to me. He should have had me for a wife, I would have fixed his business good, good for him. Too slack man! He wasn’t going to make me look like no fool going to court with him and lying about that’s me he was screwing in God’s house.

  2. dats aye gud song 4 mr frazer.cuz he wil b plan deep in JAIL..he is a false pertender pastor n ay rapper.he need 2 b HANG.

  3. @ Swann, it is amazing how certain cases are dragged and them verdict is given while we are asleep. The way this Country is moving, I would not be surprised at any verdict. If he is guilty then sentence him to hsi time and move on. If innocent, then move on, but to drag on like this, no wonder we are the laughing stock of the region!

  4. Swann, you are a person of WISDOM.
    I agree, “…To drag this on and ask his wife to bring herself down like that warrants jail time even without the conviction…”

    I wonder when will our Justice System, realize that THEY are the greatest contributors to criminal behavior?

  5. The Bahamas people got to stop!!!! This is a crime, why is this man not dealt with according to the law? Why the delay? Bahamians if you do not stand up for justice now with this Randy’s case what kind of message are we sending to the young people the future of the Bahamas. Remember Judges, Lawyers, court clerks, people of the church, Bahamians we mus set an example for our future, we are for only a time what seed we sow now will be harvest in future think hard and fast Bahamians!!!!!! What happens in the future we blame ourselves. CORRECT IT NOW!!!!!!!


  7. How is it that Randy Fraser was able to tell Lincoln Bain the day before his scheduled court date that his case was going to be cancelled until the october 21. And by damn it was! I only asking; how the hell did he know that?

    • I wondered about that too. I actually heard Steve McKinney mention the day before the last scheduled court hearing that this case would be postponed. And so said, so done. Things that make you go hmmmmmm. In any event, even if this bastard is allowed to walk away free, he knows, and we all know he is guilty as sin. Man BP he sure looks guilty in that picture – LOL!

  8. The question that has to be asked is what exactly was this man charged with. For the record 16 yrs of age in the legal age to give consent to have sex so it could not be having sex with a minor. She was 16.The bishop is charged with have sex with a dependant.Her family intrusted her to him for counciling and he is said to have gone way to far with that.I think that he should have admitted his moment or moments of weakness and pleaded for mercy.To drag this on and ask his wife to bring herself down like that warrents jail time even without the conviction.Many men have fallen weak when being along with young girls in this country but to drag this out only creates anger towards him and people want him punished for that.

    • So true Swann. Thanks for that info. I didn’t realize the distinction in the charge – dependent vs. minor.

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