Renward Wells named Leader of Opposition Business in the House on the same day a writ by Stellar Waste in the courts names him in an action!


Mr. Fabrizio Zanaboni is being sought in a Parliamentary Inquiry, but he has fled the country and has not been heard from since!

Nassau, Bahamas – The Leader of the Opposition has advised the Speaker that with immediate effect MP for Bamboo Town Renward Wells shall be named Leader of Opposition Business in the Parliament.

The appointment comes just days after MP for Central Grand Bahama, Neko Grant, resigned that post in the Lower House.

The decision for Grant to step down came following a nasty and bitter FNM Convention where the rebel six went against Dr. Hubert Minnis as leader. All supports of Loretta Butler-Turner were defeated.

Dr. Minnis beat out Team Loretta Butler-Turner by 87% of the 400 votes cast at the Convention with those supporting LBT getting no more than 50 votes.

BBB Analytics had forecast the defeat of the FNM establishment would result in 18 percent of the delegates. They ended up with less than 13 percent of the votes cast. Dr. Minnis beat not only Team LBT but also the wutless media, PAPA DEM and the rebel wicked six which all had fought the Roc WIT Doc crew since 2012.

Bahamas Press however wonders how far Wells will go in his new appointment as questions are still pending on the floor of the Parliament for him to explain how he signed a Letter of Intent without any authority or knowledge of the Christie Government.

In mid-October Prime Minister Perry Christie fired Wells from his post at the Ministry of Works and Urban Development following months of controversy sparked by his reportedly unauthorized signature on the $600 million Letter of Intent for Stellar Waste in July 2014.

By late November 2014, Wells broke his silence and said he signed the Letter of Intent – without Cabinet approval – for the “good of the people.” Well, Wait! How much was he paid?

Mr. Fabrizio Zanaboni, who heads up Stellar Waste to Energy Bahamas, filed an action in the courts on Friday with claims of damages suffered in connection with the LOI Scandal. Wells is named as the first defendant in the action. BP recalls how Zanaboni told the morning papers how his company paid politicians, but never explained who and what for!

In its claim Stellar Waste said that it was “…promised by representatives of the Bahamas government and private individuals, who claimed to be representatives of the government…”

All we know is this: This incident will get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

We report yinner decide!


  1. So the “you-know-what” is finally going to hit the fan. Wait a minute though isn’t paying a government official or anyone related to a specific project breaking the law? Please don’t say Zanaboni is pleading ignorance. Why keep J P Michielson ( a self confessed DNA founder) on as COO? The plot thickens and this lawsuit should be interesting. Please just find other options for converting waste to energy involving actual BAHAMIANS please and give the families living near the city dump relief. Enough with these greedy tricky foreigners already. SMT!

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