Reckless Diving Must Be Severely Punished


Another serious accident on New Providence airport corridor file photo
Another serious accident on New Providence airport corridor file photo

By Jerry Roker
for Bahamas Press

For a small island nation like ours, there are just to many deaths on our roads, it’s time to take further action.

All the talk of the last few years has obviously not made any impression on the careless driving habits of some of our road users.

Now tourists and locals are at risk when they use our roads because of the carelessness of too many. This is very sad, when taking to the road is such a wonderful way to explore our beautiful Islands.

More definitive measures need to be implemented; more severe repercussions need to follow reckless behaviour.

My suggestion is to impose that cars and bikes be taken off the road after an infraction. I believe that impounding vehicles for three months or more might cause people to think a little more before acting irresponsibly. Sure it would be extremely inconvenient for families, for people whose work depends on using a vehicle, but it might make people start to take notice.

Speeding, going through a red light, texting, overtaking, using a vehicle without insurance — all these behaviours should have consequences that make people think twice about breaking the law again.

The deaths do not stop. How much longer are we going to let this happen?

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