Rotary Club of Freeport Luncheon Support Cookies for Kids Project



Cookies for Kids – The Rotary Club of Freeport present a $1400 cheque to go toward the Cookie Kids for Kids project. Seen here from left to right is RCF President Mike Stafford, Nikki Waugh, incoming RCF secretary, Alexis DeGregory, Cindy and Larry DeGregory. Photo: Courtesy of Rotary Club of Freeport 

Freeport, Grand Bahama – Never before has the Rotary Club of Freeport given a standing ovation at a luncheon. Rotarians rose clapping and a few eyes in the restaurant were teary as twelve year old Alexis DeGregory stood tall at the podium and explained how she and her mother came up with the idea for “Cookie Kids for Kids” to help hungry children at a local Grand Bahama school. Miss DeGregory explained that she and her mother Cindy were watching a local news report on TV where a P.E. teacher, Kelley Albury from Lewis Yard Primary made a plea to the community to help with funds to support children from that school whose families could not afford food for their breakfasts and lunches.

The project, now into its fourth week, has kept the group of twelve year old girls, all in attendance at the Rotary Club of Freeport  luncheon at Ruby Swiss Restaurant on March 6th, very busy. Alexis quickly got her friends involved and they spend each Sunday afternoon baking dozens of cookies to fill the orders that are now coming in.  The cookies not on pre-order, are then sold at Lucaya International School on Tuesdays. Each week the girls have sold out within fifteen minutes. In their first three weeks the girls have baked 3053 cookies and have raised $2862.00 through sales or donations.

Each week the DeGregory’s purchase food and drop it by Lewis Yard school. Alexis’ father, Larry came to the podium to provide further information on the project. In visiting the school so regularly, he has become aware of other challenges that Lewis Yard Primary faces. Many of the children do not have sweaters for cold weather, or basic toiletries in their homes, like toothbrushes, soaps, etc. Part of purchased food is sent home so the children and their families have something to eat for dinner, but in some cases the food is returned. They are finding out that some of these children do not have a means of heating the food, or boiling water for the food, etc.

The DeGregory’s realize that the cry for help for the children of Lewis Yard Primary is louder than ever, and that they urge other community groups to become involved. Approximately 236 children are enrolled at the school, but only 49 students are registered in the government lunch program.  An idea for an “adopt a family” program was discussed at the Rotary luncheon. The school desperately needs a cafeteria facility to heat and prepare food for the students, and the DeGregorys are looking into getting this happening.

The Rotary Club of Freeport has heard this plea, and presented a cheque for $1400 toward the Cookie Kids for Kids project. The girls carried along bags of their cookies, and the Rotarians quickly bought up every last crumb!

Contact Cookie Kids for Kids: Cindy or Larry DeGregory at 242-373-9717 or email her at Lewis Yard Primary School can be contacted at 242-353-7001.