The mother of one of the victims in that Sandilands double homicide suddenly passed away on Sunday <<< BREAKING


Another sad day for the Hilton family as mother lost her battle with cancer…

Ashlee Hilton and her mom Kathy celebrating life.

Nassau – December 4th was just not a day she wanted to remember and today Bahamas Press is learning about the passing of Ashlee Hilton’s mother, Kathy.

We are learning, perhaps being overcome by grief, Kathy passed away Sunday morning. She was also suffering from terminal cancer. Her daughter, Ashlee, was murdered inside a vehicle on Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre grounds with her boyfriend, George Neil Deveaux.

Occupants in a black jeep entered the compound of Sandilands and murdered the couple while they were exiting the compound. George was completing therapy for his leg which was injured in a gun-battle some weeks before. The cameras were not working at Sandilands the morning of the shooting, and security at the facility was not posted at the time of the incident – how coincidental!

Today Ashlee’s family is torn apart after losing first the pride of the family young Ashlee and now mother Kathy. They are struggling to hold it together after this second blow. We must pray for them today and all families facing the death of a loved one at this time of the year.

We report yinner decide!