AAAWU Signs Industrial Agreement with Nassau Flight Services


The Airport Airline and Allied Workers Union (AAAWU) signed an industrial agreement with the management of Nassau Flight Services on Friday, December 14, 2018 at the Department of Labour, City Corporate Center on Rosetta Street. Pictured from left to right are Mr. Ricardo Rolle, General Manager of Nassau Flight Services; Mr. Ricardo Adderley, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nassau Flight Services; Ms. Jewel Fountain, President of the Airport Airline and Allied Workers Union and Mr. Huedley Moss, Labour Consultant with Nassau Flight Services. (BIS Photo/Raymond A. Bethel, Sr.)

Nassau – Executives of the Airport Airline and Allied Workers Union (AAAWU) and the management of Nassau Flight Services signed an industrial agreement on Friday, December 14, 2018 at the Department of Labour’s, City Corporate Office on Rosetta Street.

The signing of the industrial agreement was witnessed by Nassau Flight Services executives and AAAWU officials. Among those witnessing the signing was Mrs. Yolantha Yallop, Legal Counsel in the Department of Labour and Ms. Veronique Evans, Notary Public with Nassau Flight Services.

Ms. Jewel Fountain, President of the AAAWU said that today, “brings closure to a long awaited contract negotiations. Our members will certainly be happy that after negotiating for some time they will be able to have a Merry Christmas as we sign this document and register the document.”

Ms. Fountain continued, “I would like to thank Nassau Flight Services Management team. Even though we may have fought sometimes, at the end of the day we left the table on mutual grounds.” Ms. Fountain also thanked her officers and counsel members.

Mr. Ricardo Adderley, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nassau Flight Services apologized for the Chairman of Nassau Flight Services, Mr. Ricky Mackey who was unable to attend the signing. Mr. Adderley commented, “…We would like to thank Mr. (Huedley) Moss our consultant for Flight Services and as the madam president would have said, these negotiations was going on from 2015, so indeed this is a great day that we are here to have these documents signed with all of the negotiations going on from 2015 to now. So this is a great day for the AAAWU…