PLP Viceroy joined Dame Marguerite Pindling to remember Sir Lynden today…

Dame Marguerite and I. Chester Cooper remembering Sir Lynden Pindling at his resting place.

By Chester Cooper/ VICEROY of The PLP!

It is always an honor to pay tribute to individuals who have been instrumental in the advancement of The Bahamas, and I have yet to find an individual whose impact has been felt more than our great liberator, The Right Honorable Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling.

On the 26th of August 2000, we physically lost this giant of a man, but the great work left behind by him continues to benefit our people.

He has built a strong foundation that I will stand on as we continue to build our nation.

Today, we joined Dame Marguerite Pindling on a visit to the Pindling Mausoleum to commemorate the 19th anniversary of Sir Lynden’s death.

Comment a “??” as a symbol of respect for the ‘Father of The Nation’.

#TeamCooper242 #Leadership #Empowerment #Integrity#FightingForYou #ItsAllAboutYou #SirLynden #FatherOfTheNation#EmpowerBahamians