Water runs low on Grand Bahama as supplies into the affected communities are hampered! Potter’s Cay Dock is in CHAOS!


Fashion Billionaire NYGARD cannot get access to his yacht to assist hurricane relief!?

A Royal Bahamas Defense Force Marine giving care to scores of homeless migrant children now left in Abaco following Hurricane Dorian.

FREEPORT| Grand Bahamians are holding onto dear life on the island as water supplies are running low.

Grand Bahamians are in search of the location of the NEMA OFFICE on the island. Most are contacting BP as to where they could find assistance.

There is no water supply on Grand Bahama and it gets worst. ONLY ONE GAS STATION has reopened making it chaotic with long lines for gas.

We are also being advised that at POTTER’S CAY DOCK there is absolute chaos as loved ones are attempting to get supplies on boats to the affected islands.

TONS OF much-needed supplies are backed up on the dock. One vendor attempted to deliver seven pallets of much-needed drug supplies to a vessel headed into Grand Bahama but found serious difficulties at the dock on Monday. THIS NEEDS URGENT ATTENTION BY GOVERNMENT!!!!

Also, we are learning that, with the BPL power supply constantly being interrupted in New Providence, some water companies are finding it challenging to keep up with the demand for water. This is URGENT! People need water.

Bahamas Press has learned a request by his friends to allow the yacht of fashion billionaire Peter Nygard to assist in the Hurricane Relief efforts is being hampered, as he is unable to move the vessel because sand has blocked its ability to move. Government officials are not assisting in this and lives might just be lost by these silly obstructions.

Peter Nygard would love to help victims but is not allowed to remove sand near his Lyford Cay property to assist in the efforts.

Global news agencies continue to hammer the fact that the Bahamas Government appears paralyzed and is blocking access to aid in the affected communities.

As one Grand Bahamian resident screamed at BP, “WHERE IS THE GOVERNMENT TO HELP US IN THIS GREAT TIME OF NEED?”

We report yinner decide!

Fashion Billionaire yacht blocked with sand and Peter Nygard is denied the right to remove the sand to gain access to his boat. #bahamas #dorian #hurricane #corruption