Parents proud of Bahamas National Arts Festival Family Island participants


Anne Bethel listens to her son Emma E Cooper third-grader Simeon Bethel perform on the drums during the E Clement Bethel National Arts Festival adjudications on March 2, 2010.

MARSH HARBOUR, Abaco – As the E Clement Bethel National Arts Festival entered its second week of adjudications in the Family Islands, parents of participating students voiced their pride in their children and showed support by attending the performances.

In Palmetto Point, Eleuthera, Anne Bethel, the mother of an Emma E Cooper Primary School student said she was extremely proud of her son and that he enjoyed the preparation and performing process.

“This was a very exciting experience,” Ms Bethel said on March 2, 2010.  “I had no idea that it was such a serious event until today and I am very proud to have him participate.  The fact that he was selected by the music teacher was inspirational.  I think he did a very good job.”

Her son, third-grader and drummer Simeon Bethel said he liked taking part in the Festival and enjoyed seeing the smile on his mother’s face as he performed.

“I felt good and happy because she is my mum,” he said.

Also in Palmetto Point, at the Central Eleuthera High School, parent Sonia Lewis said seeing her son Cleon Lewis perform in the Festival and getting good scores for both his trumpet playing and drumming made her proud and happy for him.

“He is doing so well and this is something that he is looking forward to continuing in the future; so I just hope that he does his best,” Mrs Lewis said.

Seeing all the students perform at the adjudications that day also bodes well for future nation building, she added.

“This is exciting because this is part of our culture – singing and dancing and playing instruments – and it is good to see them participating and doing their best,” she said.