Police Crime Update for Monday


Ellison GreensladeArmed Robbery

Sometime around 12:00 noon on Monday 15th March, 2010 police received information of an armed robbery at East Street and Sunlight Cottage.  Police responded and information received from a 34 year old female of Sunlight Cottage, while walking south on East Street she was approached by a dark male on a bicycle, allegedly armed with a handgun demanding cash.  The culprit robbed the female of her handbag containing an undetermined amount of cash, a cell phone and personal effects.  The culprit fled the area on the bicycle, heading west on Peter Street. Police are investigating.

Family Island

Operation Restore Law and Order

In response to the police commitment during a recent visit to Harbour Island, officers of the Central Detective Unit & Drug Enforcement Unit, New Providence in a combined effort with their colleagues from CDU & DEU in North Eleuthera particularly Harbour Island, conducted a series of operation on the island.  The operation commenced Friday 12th March, 2010 and ended on Monday 14th March, 2010. The purpose of the operation was a direct response to the crime wave on Harbour Island.

Officers executed search warrants and provided high police visibility at the local Clubs. The operation was extremely successful as officers took eight (8) people into custody: three (3) Canadians, three (3) Italians and two (2) local residents.  The Canadians all juveniles- two females ages 15 and 16 years and one male age 16 years were taken into custody for possession of suspected marijuana.  The Italians, all males’ ages, 36, 37 and 48 were taken into custody for possession of suspected marijuana.  The two (2) local residents both males, were taken into custody for possession of suspected marijuana and cocaine.

The initiative put forward during this past weekend by officers on the island is a clear indication that the police will target crime and criminals where ever they exist in an effort to reduce and eventually remove crime and the fear thereof, thus creating an environment where people can live, work, visit and play.

Traffic Fatalities

Police have now identified the victim who died on Saturday 13th March 2010 in a traffic fatality at 1:15am on Fox Hill Road. The victim has been identified as QUINTON LEONARDO CURRY AGE 28 YEARS OF JOE FARRINGTON ROAD. The motorcyclist who crashed on Sunday 14th March, 2010 at 10:45 pm on JFK Drive, has been identified as JEFFREY SAUNDERS AGE 20 YEARS OF HOSPITAL LANE.