Minnis Government refuses to respond to a request by the Bahamas Red Cross to build a model Hurricane Relief facility on Abaco…


NASSAU| If you believe Queen Elizabeth II would be concerned about Prince Harry leaving royal duties, just wait until you read what Hubert Minnis’ Government has done with one of her most favourite charities.

Bahamas Press is learning the Bahamas Government has failed to respond to the Bahamas Red Cross’ request to construct a model Hurricane Relief facility on Abaco.

BP is learning the Bahamas Red Cross has secured huge international funding from a donor to construct a facility for the people who have suffered the worst disaster in the history of the Bahamas. Hundred lost their lives and thousands were displaced on Grand Bahama and Abaco following the passage of Hurricane Dorian.

The Red Cross, after pumping much-needed aid and support to the displaced residents following the killer storm, has written the Minnis government multiple times since September’s disaster to request land to support the facility construction to help the people of Abaco.

But the Minnis Cabinet, which has proven to be the worst managers of the People’s business, has not only failed to respond to the Red Cross’ many requests, but to this day has not even acknowledged receipt of the requests even though it has NEMA, a Disaster Minister and Agencies who would naturally work with the NGO on relief.

The news is almost as disturbing as the hundreds who died during Dorian that the Minnis Government continues to lie about their death numbers.

Why would the WUTLESS Minnis Government not respond to the Bahamas RED CROSS – when Queen Elizabeth II herself committed donations to the Red Cross following Dorian’s passage?

Why would Minnis’ Government not support aid and support to help Abaco recover and rebuild?

Why would an Administration be so stupid and exercise such ignorance and rudeness as to not respond to millions in aid and support to help its own people?

Boy, Minnis you ain’t worth [Yinner Finish It…}

We report yinner decide!