An Educator and Baptist reverend is under arrest this evening after allegations of molestations of teen boys have surfaced at a private preparatory school!

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NASSAU| Another Baptist preacher who holds a senior post in a preparatory school in the community of New Providence has been arrested by police following allegations of sexual molestations that surfaced at the school.

The sexual assaults are alleged to have been committed against teen boys from grades Junior to Senior High. The private institution has yet to advise faculty or the PTA of the allegations, which some believe have been perpetrated by the educator for months inside and outside the location of the school.

Two of the alleged victims are known to the accused and are said to have resided in the same area as the educator. What in the hell is this? Relatives of one the victims delivered a royal cut-yinner-know-what to the educator who attempted to expel one of the accusers after the allegations surfaced.

We could tell you the rogue reverend/educator was once married to an American who ditched him after she became frustrated with his toyboys and exploits with underage children.

The disgraced Baptist Minister was once an administrator at another preparatory school here in the capital but was sacked after other allegations of molesting children came to light.

How the rogue educator got into a second school to molest children who the administration failed to protect is beyond us. That school engaged students, who were physically challenged. THAT SCHOOL SHOULD BE CLOSED DOWN IMMEDIATELY! What in the hell is this?

What has happened to the Government’s vetting programme of educators in disguise who seek to teach young children at schools while in reality being sexual offenders?

We report yinner decide!