The man behind the murder of an elderly 70-year-old woman in 2013 is Saturday night’s homicide victim…

Kevin Whymms aka “Hotboy” homicide victim #45

NASSAU| The country is reporting its 45th homicide incident Saturday evening.

BP is reporting Kevin Whymms aka “Hotboy”, 24, was shot multiple times about the body in the community of Parker Street in Bain Town shortly after 9 pm.

Now you should know Whymms was known to police. Back in July 2013 misguided at age 17 in a spree of armed robberies he was charged along with another man in the murder of a 70-year-old grandmother, Belpheme Lightbourn, during an early morning robbery at her home.

Well all we say is this ya live by the sword and you shall die by it!

Justice for MAMA DEM!

We report yinner decide!