Entire Cabinet staff placed in self-quarantine this week and all staff in the bubble of the PM are also home!


Government fails to tell the Bahamian People the Prime Minister’s staff all sent home to quarantine – WHY?

The Office of the Prime Minister

NASSAU| Bahamians have not yet grasped the seriousness of the COVID19 outbreak which has slowed the pace of its government to a halt. 

We can report the entire staff of the Cabinet have also been placed into self-quarantine and not even the press has yet been updated to this. 

BP can also tell you from our Cabinet Room source that the entire staff that works in the bubble around the Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis have also all been placed in self-quarantine.

We can confirm PS David Davis who is assigned as OPM PS has always been placed in self-quarantine and his status is still unknown up to press time. Why is all this still such a secret?

The office of the PM was a virtual ghost town with skeletal staff in place to keep the lights on. The building, we know, is infested with COVID19 and the personnel authorizing sanitization contracts to her relative’s company in the country is also in self-quarantine. WHAT IS THIS?

If the PM is all well and good, why has he gone dark, denying BP’s reports that he has tested POSITIVE FOR COVID19? We repeat our claims!

In fact, I hope members of the press are on standby to find out which part of the country the Prime Minister is at this time!

Hon. Halson Moultrie – Speaker of the Parliament

On Wednesday it was announced that Desmond Bannister had tested positive and that the entire Cabinet has been placed in quarantine. But is this true? When asked by our Cabinet source how will the Emergency Powers be moved if the entire government has gone into hiding with no one to open the debate, this was the response: “Well, BP, not necessarily. We meet on Sundays and at our meetings not all Ministers were present, and, therefore, any member who was not at the meetings when it was discovered that individual can move the Emergency Order on the floor come Monday.”

The question now is this: Will Speaker Halson Moultrie work with the Minnis Government on its intent to lockdown the country for another month. If he fails to agree with that Order, then it will be all downhill from here.

We report yinner decide!