Couple shot-up! Owner of G-Spot Bar on Queen’s Highway in Freeport, Grand Bahama shot this morning…

May be an image of 2 people
Tony Montana and his friend Keisha shot this morning in Freeport.

FREEPORT| Grand Bahamians are waking up this Wednesday morning to news of an overnight shooting which has left a male and female in hospital.

Tony Montana is now in ICU battling from serious gunshot wounds following the incident. His female friend by the name Keisha (operator of the bar) was also shot and was rushed to hospital following the incident. It is still unknown as to what sparked the incident, but what is clear is the fact that we have another shooter on the run.

Tony you would recall was shot to the head back in 2019. He survived that attack on his life and yet here comes another.

Police have yet to report the incident. Crime is down they say, and this morning it is happening down in Grand Bahama.

We report yinner decide!