Gov’t Office Robbed in Acklins and Administrator Kidnapped


Acklins, Bahamas — The Government and people of the Bahamas are now under A WAVE of serious attacks by the Barbarians. Another government facility has been robbed, this time on the island of Acklins where teams of officers are now en route. Here’s what we know.

Early this morning the Family Island Administrator in Acklins was held up and robbed by two armed men.  BP can tell you reports are that after searching his residence and finding no money, the men took the administrator to the Government’s office where they proceeded to rob the Treasury on that island. We’ve learnt the bandits cleaned out the government’s safe of thousands upon thousands of dollars.

The administrator was tied up as the robbers took off with his vehicle.

The wave of attacks now upon the systems of governance appear to be endless.

In August the Department of Immigration was the last government office to be ransacked by bandits in the wee hour of the morning.

Prior to that at the end of July the Supreme Court and the Nassau Street Court facilities were vandalized. A few weeks prior to those incidents the Passport Office was broken into and $7,000 along with the government vehicle were stolen.

Around that same time he home of Justice Neville Adderley was raided by thugs in Lyford Cay.

And before that the country witnessed the robbery at the Road Traffic Department while thieves in Andros raided the Post Office and stole thousands more from that government complex.

Then earlier in the year Justice Rhonda Bain was wrestled to the ground by a Rwandan looking gangster and robbed of her cash as she exited the ABM on East Bay.

Yet in spite of all this, Tommy Turnquest says, “Crime is Under Control”. Well by DAMN!



  1. I find it interesting that “MEDIA” continues to harp on the incident of a juvenile to make his point. or is it because there is a connection to the FNM.

    You would’ve done well to draw reference to some one who the people elected and held public office,and who was similarly accused.

  2. Can u blame them when there are not much jobs. I don’t condone crime or robbing in any way but I can def understand it. You go to these business ppl to get a business going and in the long run will employ Bahamians, and these mean a$$ bahamians don’t want to help anyone. If I didn’t have sense or education i’d prbbly be robbing too. And that toad Ingraham is sitting plush. He has not gave one statement since all these crimes. I thought the 3 month old baby being shot would’ve made him address the nation but nothing. Worst pm ever.

    • You have to be joking!?
      Ive been down and out, living on the street, had nobody I knew living in a strange country … and yet I NEVER resorted to crime – I would have died first. Knowing what is right and wrong, that is what separates us civilized human beings from the animals.

  3. I agree somewhat to Charles comments,the facts are there is to much cronyism,nepotism,going on in the Country,really do we need some outside help?

  4. STOP using polo-tricks and and help the government by turning in and reporting the crooks. Getting evolved with community projects and in your child’s education. When you spin doctors stop spewing rhetoric and contribute then we can all head in a positive direction!

  5. we need a change in our mind set…..criminals are both FNM and PLP….victims are both FNM and PLP.. tommy must be hoduni and the mask ?? he did make a foolish statement. the police is doing its best. but are we HELPING THEM get the thugs and the guns of the street, NO NO. MP’s kid commit rape and walk free, PM kid caught with drugs and walk free while arresting policeman is punished. I could go on an on and on. WE ARE THE PROBLEM BAHAMIANS

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