Hubert Ingraham is now live on Jeff Lloyd Show…


Hubert Ingraham is now live on Jeff Lloyd Show…The PM is a special guest. Perry Christie will be Live on 105.9FM with host Steve McKinney.


  1. Why the hell you come on a show and not take questions from the public????!!!! FOOL!!!! Boy I can’t stand this man. He’s a piece of sh!t. He looks like it and that’s all that comes out his mouth. I did not listen at all bcz I didn’t want to hear his merry go round bull & lies. So everything I know, I read here in the comments…Some of y’all saying Lloyd sounded intimidated. I’m shocked bcz he’s always not. Why be scared of a toad that can’t do his job properly and head is muddled with no ideas??!! Let me have an interview with him and I’ll tear him apart! He’ll leave prematurely cussing me out! But I want to show the Bahamian ppl his true character!!!

  2. I agree with the person who said Jeff Lloyd sounds intimidated. Say whatever you want about old bill ducking Wendall Jones, but at least he is fearless. That negro don’t bow down to Ingraham, Christie, NO ONE. Jeff sounds like a rookie interviewer. I’m almost ashamed for him.

    Jones did a better job. And I know Steve will do a great job too, if given the chance.

    • Ingraham asked Jeff Lloyd who can help him in dealing with these wayward boys. Here was Ingraham putting the question of help and Jeff Lloyd forget he was head of the programme for wayward boys in Andros. Ingraham STOPPED, REVIEWED and CANCELLED THE PROGRAMME! And Lloyd said not a DAMN WORD! NOT ONE WORD TO THE PM about the cancelled programme.

      Boy I tell ya, look what $7,000 per session would do to ya.


  3. Ingrum feel better about the economy today than a year ago, he say the way they manage, well things will be better!!! Ingrum say the police doing a good job, the big problem is drugs and hit men are the problem with crime. is hubert ingrum the Government? He say dat with a smile… This is confusion when the former prime minister is on Steve Mckinney show explaining IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMMYMYMYMYMYMYMYMYMYMY… What should ingrum do about the family like he don’t know, I could tell him what he could do as it relates to family. Get all of his illegal Haitian families out of the Bahamas, would be a positive start. The people of the Bahamas do not know ingrum, so why would ingrum say the people know him… BIG BIG JOKE INGRUM ON ON JEFFREAK SHOW CUZ HE AINT TAKING ANY CALLS, I TRIED AND WAS TOLD INGRUM DO NOT WANT ANY CALLS, AINT NO SURPRISE HE ONLY LAUGHING AT THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE, CUZ HE THINK WE STUPID!!!

  4. Has the campaign of the 2011 elections begun? The PM said he is not making the rounds. He said he felt compelled to come on Love 97FM. He said he went to Exuma because an outright lie was made against him and therefore he has not on the cam…paign yet. Ingraham said he will begin the campaign next year 2011.


  5. Ingraham could say the son of a politican could be a BUM and the son of a bum could be a leader. He again asks the society to explain this. Again will Jeff Lloyd ask the PM why he cancelled the programme in Andros design to help wayward you…ng boys.


  6. Hubert Ingraham confirms much of the crime is being produced by DRUGS moving through the Bahamas!


  7. The PM speech at the Rotary we are told will be carried LIVE on network radio stations. Today’s broadcast with the PM is now being carried LIVE on Coast in Inagua. The campaign season is on. BP can confirm an early election will be late nex…t year 2011.


  8. Ingraham will be speaking at the Rotary Club of the Bahamas on Thursday. he confirmed he will be speaking on the State of the Economy. He said he feels better about the economy this year than last year.


  9. Hubert Ingraham just said he has fired no one in the Public service of the Bahamas. Well ZNS workers we can conclude were NOT FIRED. BOY I TELL YA!


  10. Hubert Ingraham just said he has fired no one in the Public service of the Bahamas. Well ZNS workers we can conclude was NOT FIRED. BOY I TELL YA!


      • From his blatant lies about the bandit and now zns workers I conclude that despite this man’s tough and arrogant persona, he really is a wimp. He has to outright lie bcz he’s so scared his admin will be crucified if he does admit. now we all know without a doubt he’s extremely intimidated of foreign, white, or rich. It also shows he has NO respect for Bahamians. He think he can say any hogwash and we’ll believe it. Either that or he’s mentally unstable. I think he’s both 🙂

        • Broken I even ain’t reach the FIRED workers from Customs who some the courts reinstated. But Ingraham in his own delusional world say: We have fired no one from the Public Service. The man has no damn SHAME!


  11. Hubert Ingraham tells Jeff Lloyd the state cannot stop the flying of unlicensed aircraft in the country. He noted that it is unenforceable! He encouraged members of the public to avoid use of hackers….


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