A National Athlete is being questioned by police in connection with the murder of a woman



 The late Tagia Soles Armony seen here holding her baby. Soles was visiting the Bahamas when she was gunned down in a carjacking back in 2009. We don’t know where her accused murderer is. Last we checked he was still awaiting trial. Why are there sooo many women being slaughtered in the Bahamas and nothing is being done?

Nassau, BahamasBP agents are at this hour outside the offices of CID on Thompson Blvd [THE HOUSE OF PAIN], where we can report a National Athlete is being question by police in connection with one of the 9 murders this week.

 Sources in the position to know tell us, police are questioning the athlete in connection with the murder of a young woman discovered this past week on the side of the road in the Prince Charles Drive area.

The girl you would remember was bound with tape, stabbed about the body and thrown on the street like a dead animal. We are horrified to hear of this development and are concerned as to why police are still tight-lipped over the arrest.

Bahamas Press is concerned with the blatant slaughter of women in the country, who have gone unprotected and in many cases their murder have remained unsolved by detectives.

We have yet to be consoled by the ‘vicked’, cold, brutal murder of the late Tagia Soles Armony, who came to the Bahamas on vacation with her family and was shot in the chest in a carjackingwhile she nursed her babyboy. In cold blood, the robber left the woman to die and today, JUSTICE HAS YET TO BE SERVED! WHAT A DAMN SHAME!



Sometime around 3:50 pm on Thursday 24th March, 2011 police received information of a shooting at Baillou Hill Road South.  Police responded and discovered a male wearing a blue jeans pants and a purple and white t-shirt with gunshot injuries to the upper body.

It is reported that another male entered the Klassy Collections Boutique, Baillou Hill Road South inquiring to purchase items.  It is further reported that while inside the establishment the suspect produced a handgun and fired gunshots at the male employee which resulted in the male employee producing his license shotgun and returning fire at the suspect. This suspect then fled.

Additionally, it is reported that a second suspect stood at the entrance door of the establishment and fired gunshots at the employee.  The employee returned fire which fatally struck the suspect.  The deceased is believed to be 34 year old male of Joan Heights.

Police were able to recover from the deceased a handgun with ammunition.  Police investigations continue.  

HOMICIDE #221 since 2009 at Valley Corner off East Street tonight

Sometime around 3:37 pm on Thursday 24th March, 2011 police received information of a stabbing at Lily of the Valley Corner off East Street.  Police responded and information received that a male was visiting a home at Lily of the Valley Corner when he got into an altercation with a male resident which resulted in that male being stabbed multiple times to the abdomen.  The 29 year old victim was taken to hospital via EMS personnel where he succumbed to his injuries a short time later.  Police are questioning a 39 year old male in connection with this incident.  Police investigations continue.


  1. @ media

    Would that push the envelope towards find solutions (what Jillian said). No!!!

    These people major on the minor and call it a contribution.


  2. You guys have been pushing boundaries for a while but this is far beyond callous. Bahamas Press would be better reputed if you had a sense empathy and a good command of English grammar.

    • We understand your grief, however, we are concerns about Justice in the Bahamas! Soles death forced us to begin counting deaths.


  3. It’s just pitiful how these ruthless individuals did this mother. I hope those cold hearted Bahamian individuals rot in hell!!! Did they take anything from this lady? What was the motive here? This is pure insanity! And her little boy is now left to be raised without his mother… These Bahamians just go around killing people just for the hell of it. Those criminals should be put to death and I hope that her family finds some type of justice in this unfair Bahamian system…RIP

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