Not even a stray dog from Bain Town would follow C. B. Moss – Crime Event a NO SHOW!


Perhaps when C B Moss walks naked down Bay Street then Bahamians would pay attention to him – NO SHOW IN RAWSON SQUARE FOR CRIME RALLY!

No member of Moss family followed him to the City Square - HAS HE GONE MAD?

Louis Bacon’s voice goes unheard! Go speak about crimes in Lyford Cay and to the people at the BNT!

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamians must have laughed themselves to the floor on Sunday after the heavily advertised event of CB Moss in Rawson Square turned into a flopped!

Moss told the country he wanted people to join him in Rawson Square in solidarity against Crime. He invited every politician, civic group and pastor he knew and guess what? No one showed.

Moss couldn’t get his wife or his children to follow him into the square, much less the people of Bains and Grants Town.

Bahamian are duplicitous indeed. We does scream and holler about crime, yet, when it is our children, we does cuss the police. Or how about us screaming about “Crime is Getting OUT OF CONTROL” and then demand that the government of the day do something immediately about it. And, yes, then we see every day Bahamians breaking the law through their buying numbers and gambling in dens big as Billy in the day and night – we say “VOTE NO” and leave dat alone. Bahamians are a Duplicitous set a people!

Simply put, Bahamians don’t know what we want. Or we just fail to make and agree to the hard decisions.

Crime, Bahamas Press contends, is an individual/community problem in the Bahamas. Everyone in our community knows where the dope and drugs are selling. We know our children are on it. We know they moving weapons and are bringing into the home this contraband, yet we say absolutely nothing!

What a country!

What is laughable though is the fact that CB MOSS, who is believed to be employed by a man who is in Lyford Cay, and whose property has become the site of much death, possible murder and vanishings, yet, CB refuses to take his message of crime into that part of the country. UNBELIEVABLE!

We wonder why?

Things that make you go Hmmmmmm!

Now that C. B. Moss has found his voice on the Crime Issue Again – Would someone – ANYONE – please tell him take his mic and speakers nearby the CLIFTON BAY on that vacant property where people does go missing, show up dead and cache of weapons are found and tell them he against CRIME! Cause we cannot understand how you could be against Crime in the City and ya lip pinup like turtle when it comes to crimes in Lyford Cay.

We report yinner decide!

No member of Moss family followed him to the City Square - HAS HE GONE MAD?


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