Man Gunned Down today was to be Acquitted on Armed Robbery Charges…. WHAT IN THE HELL IS DIS?…Are witnesses safe? Another Pinewood witness gunned down this morning….This is serious…


Murdered Pinewood man was key witness in matter now before the courts…Are witnesses being protected? And if not why not?

File photo of body being removed...

Lamar Roberts 29-years-old was gunned down execution style just after 6am this morning…

Nassau, Bahamas — Nassau, Bahamas — After a long quiet weekend police are at this hour investigating the country’s 91st Homicide which occurred in the capital around 6am this morning in the Pinewood Gardens area.

Police tell us 29-year-old Lamar Roberts is the country’s latest victim in that shooting. He was leaving his apartment in the Pinewood area early this morning with his girlfriend and child when two men approached him and shot him three times about the body.

As Roberts escaped the hale of bullets, the gunman chased him down and sprayed a second round of bullets on him killing him dead on the ground nearby.

A number of witnesses in the area saw the incident, however, no one is talking.

Roberts was a witness in a key case before the courts. What in the hell is this? And here’s what we know.

BP live at the scene of an accident on Gladstone Road.

Roberts you should know was charged with armed robbery along with another suspect who was serving time in Fox Hill Prisons. He was on bail for that incident and was due in court this afternoon to be acquitted of his charges.

As fate would have it – he would not meet that acquittal today in the courts. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A FILE PHOTO USED IN THIS REPORT…The photo is an old Nassau Guardian photo of a crime-scene….

Meanwhile police were at the scene of this accident just after noon today right in front of Phils Food Service on Gladstone Road.

Ministry of Works work crews are in the area, which is making traffic there difficult. The driver of this Honda slammed into another car. No one was injured and police have the matter under control.

We report yinner decide!