Royal Eagle Lodge #1: Election Soon Come and Da Tief Throwing Drunken Orgies – 3

What in the hell is dis?


Monday, December 9, 2013 will be the night when the members of the once historic and prestigious Royal Eagle Lodge #1, Prince Hall Affiliated, select a new cabinet to lead them in 2014. After pleas from Good Masons landed on deaf ears, the Grand Lodge of Prince Hall has decided not to remove the Wutless, Teifing, Baby-Daddying Worshipful Master, Uriel “Da Tief” Johnson from his position but instead leave it up to the members to vote him and his partying Cabinet out of office.

Several Good Masons are planning to offer themselves to fill the various positions of the Royal Eagle Lodge Cabinet.  BP now has the full SHABANG of who holds what positions in the lodge. Our informants came through last minute. Lets give you a full break down of the superstars of Royal Eagle Lodge and please pretend its your voting ballot:
Worshipful Master:

Uriel “Da Tief” Johnson
Womanizer. Exploits females (Just ask Sis. Ronnick Tinker)
– romances women with certain jobs to get their money. Baby daddy – 10 children in total (three born in one year) and unmarried. Thief – stole the lodges money and continues to be aggressive in bullying his drunken treasurer and secretary for the lodges money. Only interested in partying and holding Masonic orgies and being called Worshipful Master.

Senior Warden Earl Francis
Does not pay attention to lodge affairs. Always daydreaming. Seems to live in an alternative universe. Passes on his duties to other masons. Prefers partying, drinking and smoking cigars. Also a womanizer with the sisters of the lodge. Was in hot water with them earlier. Too many sisters, too little time. Makes a very poor senior warden.

Junior Warden Garreth Scott
Could possibly be the only dedicated Cabinet member in Royal Eagle Lodge. Hard working and does his duties to the best of his ability. Loyal to Royal Eagle Lodge. Newly wed, non-womanizer. Does not party or take part in orgies, but loyal to the Wutless Master, former and present.

Secretary Mai Tai Rahming
Family man? The womanizing, drunken secretary. Always shows up to a party. Does his job in a drunken haze but does it anyway. Does whatever the Wutless Master tells him to do which may not always be in the best interest of the lodge. Loyal to, and hangs out with, the Treasurer.

Treasurer Orald Newbold
Family man? The womanizing drunken treasurer. Uses his position in lodge to attract women to him and is successful in doing it. Does a fairly good job at guarding the lodges money except when the Wutless Master pressures him for money to go partying.

Past Worshipful Master Juan Bethel
Love sick. Wutless Past Master who left the entire running of the lodge up to his treasurer and secretary. More interested in the well being of his girlfriend Sis. Tanya Cartwright than the well being of Royal Eagle Lodge to the point of nominating a THIEF and man of ill-repute to take over the position of Worshipful Master in order to focus on this biggetty, spoiled brat woman. The problems in the lodge today were all started by this good for nothing man who still hides behind the gown tail of his mother. Every BAD thing in the lodge was started when this man was voted in as Worshipful Master. He is said to be the worst Worshipful Master in the history of Royal Eagle Lodge. He should never have sat in such a position and everything went down hill since he did. He introduced sweethearting and reveling to the lodge and Da Tief continued it and introduced the orgies.

BP sat on the ladder in the back of the Royal Eagle Lodge building on Blue Hill Road and scratched its head trying to figure out what to do with this Cabinet. The two top positions definitely need to be shaken up and the holders of those positions replaced. The Junior Warden is good at his duties and loyal to his lodge. The two drunks who hold the position of secretary and treasurer are not bad at what they do but need heavy shaking up to represent themselves as good upstanding Masons. The choice is clear …. replace the two heads with Good Masons and the rest will fall in line. Do this and watch how all the sweethearting and partying will stop.

Meanwhile the Gangster Mason, JJ the DJ, who owns Blue Waters Jungaless Bar, is still putting his money where his mouth is putting the charge to Masons to remove the entire Cabinet through voting on December 9, 2013. All BP can say is yinner better watch and listen HARD or spend another year in desolate darkness, utter shame, embarrassment, degradation, humiliation, disgrace, infamy, obloquy, misery and mortification. YOU CHOOSE!!!

The Grand Lodge decided not to remove this tiefing culprit from his Worshipful Master position. Maybe he has something on them. Who knows? Now its up to the Good Masons to take a stand.

BP letting you know now!! Da Tief is in for a GRAND surprise on the night of Royal Eagle Lodge election of officers. He is comfortable and thinks it might be smooth sailing but he will see how effective BP really is on that night.