Police are still searching for three gunmen in a shooting that has left one man seriously injured in hospital!


VAT PSA 15 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

We wonder if the shooting victim was on bail for some serious crime…

file photo.

Nassau, Bahamas — POLICE are searching for three men wanted for a  shooting incident that occurred last night.

We can tell you, according to reports, shortly before 9:00 pm, two men  were sitting in front of a home located at New Hope Drive when three  men pulled up in a gold Nissan Premier vehicle and fired several  shots at them before speeding off.

One of the men was shot to the body multiple times and the other was  shot to the hip area.

Both victims were transported to hospital, where one of them  remains in serious condition and the other was treated and discharged.

We at BP don’t know why in the hell some people love congregating on  the blocks, knowing any minute a car could pull up on them? We guess  these fellas love cutting movies.

We report yinner decide!

VAT PSA 14 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

PSA 18 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.