Photos of patrol car head-on collision last week on Carmichael Road







  1. my deepest condolences goes out to the familym my dear friend Othello died in that accident, he will forever be missed

  2. NO NO NO Garvin we are not going to edit anymore cussing on here. Once you cannot respect the 155,000 daily readers on this site we will DELETE.

    THIS SITE IS RATED G!!!!!!!!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  3. You see what happens and these were no doubt young people in this accident. These young people are too reckless and these are some of the persons we want to run this country? I am sure the older cops have never ever experienced this, for the most part police cars were hardly involved in accidents with them. Now this young crew are writing off most of the vehicles.

  4. why are all those people just standing around? why didnt they move all the onlookers from there? were these officers dying a circus show for some people??? why are Bahamians so nosy and disrespectful?

  5. mae pratt :
    This is so sad…God please safeguard our police who is our first line of defence in this country keep them safe as they carried out their dangarous duties every day for christ sake and please let the come to know you as their Lord and Saviour for Christ sake amen..

    Sorry “mae pratt” REAL TALK & LIZARD thought my post was UNWISE. However, they were quick to respond to me but had not the WILL to commend the wonderful prayer you post.
    Yes, we need more prayers for out officers. Thanks Mae Pratt.

  6. Real Talk :
    Wisdom…Sorry my bad I mean Dumbdom regardless how small the Island is motorist need to heed to all forms of sirens whether it police, medical or fire it mandatory and its also the LAW ok, in case you just crawled from under a rock. And guess what we ALL have an appointmemt with death…yes you too. So maybe you need to slow down as well to check and see if yout brain is running the next time you decide to put your tongue in gear, why would you say things so irresponsible as that; when people lost a love one due to that accident. I really hope they find the person in the white care who initiated the accident.

    Real Talk or “Fake Talk”,
    I apologize if my post offended you, but if you check all of my post, AM “Keeping it REAL!’ I don’t like to beat around the bush, like some of you lobbyist. I COME CLEAN, and I hope my post about this accident would motivate other officers to be more vigilant and WISER when responding to a call.
    On the other hand, if you were not aware it is not LAW to pull to the side.
    Some emergency vehicles abuse their authority.

  7. I am very disturbed at these photos and thank the Lord that persons actually were able to climb out alive.Being a Policeman is a very dangerous job and I shudder to think about the impact on the Officers families especially the deceased.I hope that the Govt has visited the distraught wife and children and given them assurances of health care,finances and to ensure that the little darlings left behind are cared for by the state.I will raise a prayer for every law enforcement Officer bcos despite our criticism they are there for all of us.May the soul of the deceased Officer rest in peace.

  8. You know if there was a trauma team at flamingo gardens clinic that officer may have been saved we have to be proactive.Common sense Bahamas why wait for a ambulance to come from east street when it could have come from Flamingo gardens.This is why they have post offices,clinics,police stations police records etc to Decentralise the the whole thing I guess they did not get the memo.
    Rashad Amahad
    Think Bahamas!

  9. This is so sad…God please safeguard our police who is our first line of defence in this country keep them safe as they carried out their dangarous duties every day for christ sake and please let the come to know you as their Lord and Saviour for Christ sake amen..

  10. This was very sad and tragic. My condolence goes to this officer family. People need to learn to get their a** out the road when they hear these emergency sirens, even if they believe there isn’t any emergency and these officers are just trying to duck traffic or rushing to get to the nearest Bar or going to hail their sweeties, whatever the case might be, that don’t come before you. Get out of the road when you hear these emergency vehicles!!!!

  11. @Real Talk
    I agree with you it was a very careless statement, this officer was on his way to a domestic call doing his job he was not out joy riding, now there’s a wife who has to raise two small children without their father, and you making stupid comments like that, i think you need to apologize for this one buddy, not pleasant at all, where is your compassion for life?

  12. Wisdom…Sorry my bad I mean Dumbdom regardless how small the Island is motorist need to heed to all forms of sirens whether it police, medical or fire it mandatory and its also the LAW ok, in case you just crawled from under a rock. And guess what we ALL have an appointmemt with death…yes you too. So maybe you need to slow down as well to check and see if yout brain is running the next time you decide to put your tongue in gear, why would you say things so irresponsible as that; when people lost a love one due to that accident. I really hope they find the person in the white care who initiated the accident.

  13. I am sadden by this incident. My sympathies to the families. However, having seen first had the careless way the police cars drive when on call I wondered how long such an accident would take to finally happen. I agree the speed they use is unecessary, reckless and dangerous to the officers and the public at large. On the other had I am sure each of us want them the immediately if we need them…

  14. Our police should leard something from this accident.
    For the people sake, this island is only 7 miles x 21 miles where in the world they were going with all that SPEED…
    …They probely were running late, with their apointment wiith death.
    Slow down and LIVE people.

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