Loretta Butler goes against FNM and refuses to support Andre Rollins on Rubis…!


Butler-Turner slapped the piss out of Rollins after he said she needed help! Butler-Turner accused Rollins of making suggestive, nasty sexual remarks demeaning to women

Nassau, Bahamas — It appears that only one member of the FNM caught sense and refused to show up and follow the whip in supporting the set up of a select committee of the Parliament to investigate the details surrounding the oil leaks in Marathon, which dated from 1996.

Long Island MP Loretta Butler Turner broke ranks with her party on the issue and failed to show up in the House even if Rollins had the support of the Parliament.

Butler-Turner, according to a close friend, would have never supported such nonsense engineered by the MP for Fort Charlotte.

“Could you imagine Andre Rollins seeking to investigate how oil leaked into the ground when the FNM was in power that is now being dealt with by the Christie Government? That is suicide! How could the leadership of our party allow a PLP renegade lead us down such a political path?”

Five members of Opposition and one PLP supported Rollins in his quest on last Wednesday, which was struck down by the majority in Parliament. MP for South Abaco Edison Key was also absent.

“What indeed is amazing is the fact that no one in the FNM appeared to have led on this issue. Neither the Leader nor the Deputy Leader of the Party. There is no way in hell Mrs Butler-Turner would have put her name behind some dumb cheap play on people orchestrated by Rollins. He has abandoned the people of Fort Charlotte and cannot speak to them face to face, yet, he comes to the Parliament proposing to speak for Marathon?” the friend of Burtler-Turner said.

This is not the first time Butler-Turner has gone against the leadership of Hubert Minnis. Recently, after committing to supporting the equality bills, the leadership left Loretta and thousands of Bahamian women in the street failing to agree to the equality bills. Butler-Turner had told the government that it was moving in the right direction, but Minnis flopped once again and disagreed with the equality bills, even after appointing Carl Bethel to the Commission that drafted the changes.

The close friend of Loretta told BP, “The Long Island MP is now concerned that the party doesn’t support women. They don’t support people! And more importantly they proved in the last convention they didn’t even support her!”

All we at Bahamas Press says is…WHAT IN DA HELL IS DIS?