AG Gibson: Baha Mar Decisions Made in Best Interest of All Bahamians


Statement from Senator the Honourable Allyson Maynard Gibson, Attorney General of the Bahamas

Madam Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson
Madam Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson

Monday, August 10, 2015 — As Attorney General of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, I serve as a faithful servant to our people and government with humility, integrity and impartiality.
I do so to the best of my ability, regardless of the implications that such service could have for me personally, or for my loved ones.

As such, I categorically reject Dr. Hubert Minnis’ suggestion that in I am in a position of conflict of interest with regard to Baha Mar.

The Leader of the Opposition is merely seeking to manufacture an issue where none exists.

One objective alone has informed my actions: facilitating the opening of Baha Mar so that it may fulfill its promise and serve the interest of all Bahamians.

The facts – none of them disputed – are as follows:

I have no interest in or control of any company with ownership in Baha Mar.

My husband, Maxwell Gibson, is the owner and CEO of one of the country’s leading 100% Bahamian family owned retail jewelry businesses. About 2 years ago Baha Mar announced to much media coverage that he, Fred Hazelwood and Wayne Chew A Tow – owners of two other leading Bahamian family owned retail businesses – had been granted leases for retail space in Baha Mar.

The Government of the Bahamas played absolutely no role in this commercial transaction.
Pending the opening of the resort, my husband’s company alone – as are so many other Bahamian businesses waiting on Baha Mar’s completion – is shouldering liability for the risks related to the delay.

These facts are easily available to Dr. Minnis.

Nonetheless, as a warrant of my transparency, I reminded the Prime Minister of them prior to leading our Government’s delegation to Baha Mar negotiations in China.

There is no conflict of interest. Baha Mar’s opening will serve all Bahamian businesses hoping to work within, or for, the resort – including my husband’s – and I make no apologies for this.

In the meantime, I pray that history will record that my driving purpose as Attorney General is to approach each day with humility and integrity, seeking justice, excellence and the best interest for Bahamians, and all those living within our borders.