BahamasPress now a source for Alltop


We are glad and honored to announce that BahamasPress is now listed in Alltop. A site that collects the headlines of the latest stories from the best sites and blogs that cover a topic. In this way, while search engines like Google are good to answer questions like what’s the latest photo camera, this site will answer what’s the best camera to take this type of pictures. Topics run from food, science, religion, sports, politics, and so many more, you can think of Alltop as the “online magazine rack” of the web. Good news is that people around the world will be able to follow and learn what’s going on in Bahamas through this source too. This international recognition is just another incentive to keep doing our work and thank our readers.


  1. WOW! You say this like its a good thing! But anyhow, not to rain on your parade, but do you think you can get someone to edit your posts for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors?

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