Defections from the FNM to the DNA have increased

Director of Nassau Inflight Board, FNM Turstee and Tourism Officer, Marsha Thompson, - Right - has joined the DNA.

Nassau, Bahamas – There is more evidence that hundreds of Free National Movement supporters are becoming political refugees in the political tent of the Democratic National Alliance, and if you are not convinced then take a look at this.

Carl Bethel soon to be ousted Chairman of the FNM.

Sources close to the DNA have confirmed, Marsha Thompson, a former FNM Trustee is now following Branville McCartney and his FNM #2 party.  Decked in her DNA colours Thompson was up and down on East Street flying her green pompoms as she joined the new party.

The former FNM Trustee told friends she is following DNA Candidate for Mount Moriah, Wayne Munroe, who is also a former FNM election attorney.

Thompson, we are advised was a great beneficiary of the Ingraham government’s victory back in 2007. She is employed as a guest complaints officer in the Ministry of Tourism’s office at Rawson Square. Sources also noted Thompson has no been to work for more than one year on the pretext of being sick, while still being bankrolled by taxpayers collecting her salary in full. As far as we know she is still out sick, but was out parading up and down on East Street Wednesday and Thursday night.

Bahamas Press can confirm Ms Thompson also serves as a Board Member/Director of National Flight Services Ltd as a political appointee with instructions from the Chief in the Cabinet.

The DNA has infiltrated the hierarchy of the FNM by attracting Trustee Marsha Thompson, who apparently was well connected to the higher-ups in the FNM. The word on the street is that more will follow and may include current Chairman of the FNM, Carl Wilshire Bethel, the fired Cabinet Minister with former responsibility for Education and MP for Seabreeze. It is alleged by some FNMS that Bethel has begun a nasty campaign to spread rumours against the Party Leader, and is fed up with the organization.

FNM Turstee Marsha Thompson - in front of Jacinta Higgs - along with FNM Chairman and officers just following the 2009 FNM Convention.