Today we March on Parliament!


Massive Tsunami alert coming to the People’s Parliament to demand an end to the Minnis -Led Administration…

Nassau – Everyone knows we have had enough. Enough of the LIES – enough of Criminal behavior and victimization against Bahamians!

We ga march against the criminal behaviours now unfolding against Bahamians at BPL, where bills have soared beyond 70% while gas prices have declined all around the world.

We gats to march against lie after lie and the duplicity where one day we are told an investigation will be convened at BPL, and then, nothing is done! We gats to march against lie told about how Oban ga save Grand Bahama, then nothing was done! We gats to march against lie where a hotel was purchased for $65 million, and yet, it still can’t open, airlines are pulling out and Bahamians are being given separation packages at Grand Lucayan.

We marching because no one now controls the prices in the food stores and the government says – take it as it comes with a 12% hike on VAT!

BP is learning t-shirts for the march are already sold out and marchers are asked to come as they are. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH! – And we ga MARCH MARCH MARCH ON DEM starting at BPL on Baillou Hill ROAD!!!!

We report yinner decide!