Tough Times…WUTLESS LEADERSHIP! Bahamas Press Responds to Tommy T


013482000<<< BP PICTURE FOR THIS SECTION RECORDS HUBERT TELLING TOMMY: “Remember the time when Carl Couldn’t stop Laughing when I said I wasn’t going to run against you? Now you could laugh at HIM! And keep laughing until I tell you when to stop. []

Nassau, Bahamas — No one needs to tell us Tommy Turnquest is DELUSIONAL anymore, the children in public schools across this country who are being stabbed and ‘jookup’ everyday in this country could tell us that. And anyone living in Nassau today would agree that Crime is NOT political, but in 2007 the WUTLESS LEDERSHIP of the FNM made it so, and at the end of this article BP will prove it.

The slaughter and mayhem of our children continues under the FNM. They decided to remove police from the schools and guess what happened. Murders began taking place in the classrooms. Did anyone one remember the butcher session at C.C. Sweeting High? The wife of the Prime Minister is principal at that school. Readers would remember in big broad day light one student slid the throat of another. We saw the open shooting of a teen on Bay Street. We saw a tourist, who was a police on vacation by the way, shot and robbed on Cable Beach. We saw a young beautiful woman who returned home for a family visit, while nursing here toddler, shot to her death by an angry coldhearted killer.

We saw teens opened fire at the premiere resort in The Bahamas. Marina Village saw tourist fled for their lives, shaken and visibly emotionally moved as a police was shot multiple times and fell to the ground right in front of Johnney Rockets Restaruant.

So what did this WUTLESS FNM DID BUILD THIS PROBLEM OF CRIME? Well, BP has the record:

This WUTLESS FNM LEADERSHIP fired officers from the Tourism unit when it came to office.

The FNM WUTLESS LEADERSHIP removed police from all public schools and allowed gangs free reign to reap havoc on the students willing to learn and teachers ready to educate.

The FNM WUTLESS LEADERSHIP sent home into retirement officers reaching the age of 55 and move legislation to keep those officers OUT, even after they knew crime in the country was skyrocketing.

The FNM WUTLESS LEADERSHIP disbanded the Urban Renewal programme, which allowed officers to engage the community. Just a few days after that lockdown horror began in the Nassau Village community, where a man was found dead on the steps of the Urban Renewal office. That victim was not so lucky for FNM had just put a padlock on the door.crime-update

Then after they did all this, just this year the WUTLESS Managers of the Criminal Justice system then released 205 criminals on bail back into the society, and guess what Tommy WUTLESS Turnquest did? He launched an investigation in the police department to find out who gave Bahamas Press the list of criminals let out on bail. Now that’s what we call fighting crime.

In case you forgot what the agreement between the People and the FNM on crime we at Bahamas Press picked up and dusted off our Manifesto 2007. On Crime [found on page two] the FNM said if we gave them the mandate to run the country, they will, “Better Protect Bahamians…”

They said, the FNM Government will:


Tommy Turnquest told Bahamians just before the last general elections when the FNM assumes power, crime will cease. However despite all these points what has been done? The blood of Bahamians is being poured into the street like a river running down the tongue of the ocean and yet this Wutless Leadership of the FNM is clueless in tacking the problem.


  1. The FNM WUTLESS LEADERSHIP sent home into retirement officers reaching the age of 55 and move legislation to keep those officers OUT, even after they knew crime in the country was skyrocketing.
    Poor Tommy got rid of the brightest and the best in the Royal Bahamas Police Force and now we have this crime wave and he is clueless.I wonder what job HAI will give him?A delusional Minister who has lived his entire life away from the people and we make him Minister of National Security,what a joke.Oh and by the way I just love that ad of Ivoine now playing on radio stations.After convention the FNM has to do damage control that will not work.Tommy better try and take the job of Deputy Chairman as assistant to poor Carl.

    Im no FNM…. BUT i will vote for em 2012 over PERRY PUSSY CAT CHRISTIE. Fweddie Got yinna party TOGETHER TONIGHT….. He showed the public WHY WE VOTED PERRY O-U-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This foolish manneee just does not get it if you are FNM say so and stop trying to appear to be impartial as your words again reveal your true position.What solutions do you have to give your inept and incompetent Govt?They sure need you as thus far nothing happening.And do not try and takeover the job of slackalphine as you cannot outdo that clown.

  2. Well for my two cents,

    I listend to the diatribe by the FNM for the past two days and it was not worth the paper that those @#@Clowns where reading it from.

    Lets take a look at what they have doen to this country in the past two years has been a crying shame …and yet they see fit to ridicule the PLP after steering us right into a iceberg.

  3. @Altec
    Please don’t waste your time, typing lines to respond to “bahamasyouth”, because obviously, that is just what he/she is ! I had saw some good and urged them to focus, but like today’s youth, they want to do their “own” thing! Sad, so sad… That is why we need experience, until perhaps a more “serious” generation decide to take the mantle. Just like BP, I wonder wht will be said in the end, when PC stands over HAI…the “defeated one”. All I been hearing in the streets is that, they can’t wait to “VOTE DEM(fnm) OUT” !!!

  4. @bahamasyouth

    listen my friend, you really must stop this back and forth with ALTEC. It’s really not his fault that he’s a hypocritical dunce. I understand it, but don’t throw pearls to swine.

    And I know ALTEC you’ll respond by calling me a “name caller”, but I’m not the one talking about “pepper in the vaseline”.

    But most of the sheep in his party and the FNM are hypocritical windbags. It’s really all they know. Carry on smartly.

  5. @Altec
    Altec for the last time Im no FNM…. BUT i will vote for em 2012 over PERRY PUSSY CAT CHRISTIE. Fweddie Got yinna party TOGETHER TONIGHT….. He showed the public WHY WE VOTED PERRY O-U-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You needs to go worry bout your darn PLP whatless party who does VICTIMIZE THERE VERY OWN. FROM Alyson Maynard to Fwed Mitchel. FWED MITCHEL TALKED THE TRUTH WHEN HE MAN UP and said the reason the PLP lost was because of their leadership style. WEAK LEADERSHIP keeps you in Opposition just ask Perry Christie he used to heading that administration.

    I put right where right is. TOMMY IS A WEAK MAN das why he lost… PERRY is a weak man das why he lost WEAK LEADERSHIP wont get my vote…. You want always point me as a die hard FNM. Well call me whateva you like just dont call me a Pussyyyyyyy CAT aka Perry Christie.

    FRED MITCHEL for Leader of the PLP would make me TURN YELLA. But I dont know who I like more out of Perry and TOMMY……… cause both of dem are in the same BOAT.



    I TELL YA DAT so said so DONE!

  6. Bahamasyouth :
    Oh boi FREDRICK getting ready to start…… I over looked him he would be a good CHAIRMAN for the FNM

    [Temporary lifting self imposed response ban to Bahamasyouth to respond to Bahamasyouth]

    Mr Bahamasyouth, did you read the above response by Bahamas Press to Tommy T? Rather than you defend your party, you want to talk about Fweedie “Pepper in the Vaseline” Mcalpine? You think Fweedie “Pepper in the Vaseline” Mcalpine would make a good FNM chairman? Really? You cant be serious! HAI just got rid of one joker and you want to replace him with another joker? BOL!

    When i read that comment i laughed for a good couple of minutes.

    See when you say things like that all i can do is just shake my head and burst out laughing. its hard to take you seriously. You obviously have no clue as to who this man is because had you had you wouldnt have utter the words you did about him.

    The closest Fweedie “Pepper in the Vaseline” Mcalpine will get to being an MP or Chairman of anything is in his dreams!

    You FNM’s cant and just wont defend the bad performance by HAI. To keep attention away from the FNM’s bad policies and governance, what you FNM’s do is just talk about the PLP, ignore whats going on, or attempt to change the subject. but it wont work. Not this time.

    It aint long now!

    [Commencing self impose response ban to Bahamasyouth]

  7. Oh boi FREDRICK getting ready to start…… I over looked him he would be a good CHAIRMAN for the FNM

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