‘Papa Doc’ tells Acklins he will now build the road he stopped in 2007


acklinsraggedisland_road<<< Appalling road conditions for residents in ACKLINS to endure for the last two years of an Ingraham administration. [Photo Below] Prime Minister Hubert ‘Papa Doc’ Ingraham points to a sign posted in recognition of the European Union’s contribution to the paving of roads in Acklins back in the 1990’s during the the first Ingraham administration. Mr. Ingraham pointed out that it is now “his lot” to carry out the Acklins road work again, with assistance from the European Union.  As a note of FACT BP readers would remember it was this same Hubert Ingraham in 2007 who stopped, reviewed and cancelled the work already mobilized by the contractors to repair these same roadways. Back then ‘Papa Doc’ gave the people no reason why it was cancelled. The the contractor now has the government before the Supreme Court.

Acklins, Bahamas — Hubert Ingraham was all on TV last night telling residents his government will now build roads neglected in Acklins. He was cussing the PLP for not building roadways there. “PAPA DOC” argued that once again he must take care of Acklins.acklinsroadeusignage

We wonder if “Papa Doc” is now delusional and has failed to remember what he did to the people of Acklins only days upon coming to office back in 2007.

“Papa Doc” you would remember STOPPED, REVIEWED, and CANCELLED the contract awarded to a company to pave miles of roadways on that island. The same roadways the people of Acklins have suffered and complained to Johnley Ferguson for more than 2 years under the FNM.

“Papa Doc” had cancelled the contract issued by the Christie’s administration in the same manner in which he cancelled the school and community centre for Salina Point.

We know “Papa Doc” better than himself. In fact Ingraham went to suggest in a press statement published on this blog yesterday that he stopped, cancelled and reviewed nothing, but today was on TV bragging how he stopped the road construction in Acklins.

Bahamas Press expects no better from the man who is a total stranger to the truth. A MADMAN who would LIE to sell red snapper and in the same day suggest he is not a fisherman. All we say is this Hubert; you could fool some of the people some times, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.


  1. Ingraham is very dishonest in conveying the impression that The $3.5million school which he said that the PLP had scheduled to build for the 30 students, as he puts it, wasn’t just for a school but also for a community center and more particularly for a storm shelter. The FNM stopped it because they said, by implication,that it was too good a structure for the 900 people living on that Island. Ingraham’s view on the road that he stopped in Acklins was the same…too good for those 900 persons.

  2. I am ashamed of Papa Doc Ingraham, this is the place of my birth. He does not have a heart.

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